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About Deltachass

  • Birthday 03/02/1997

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  1. I believe you should talk Assistant Davis. not Ray.
  2. Wow never thought coil does not pass accuracy. gatta be careful in using move in boss battle
  3. i see I might have mistaken with iv and point. thanks
  4. Hello. Today I summited 244 iv larvesta in bug catching but I did not get to encounter genesect even through I have 900+ gameplay hour. Did I miss some other requirement on encountering Genesect? If there is, please tell me.
  5. 1m on buizel
  6. when I was log in silver server, it was show that server is currently locked.
  7. When I was battle wild Kadabra, wild pokemon use role play on gengar. when I check pokemon in pc. this is happening.
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