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Everything posted by Deltachass

  1. I believe you should talk Assistant Davis. not Ray.
  2. Wow never thought coil does not pass accuracy. gatta be careful in using move in boss battle
  3. i see I might have mistaken with iv and point. thanks
  4. Hello. Today I summited 244 iv larvesta in bug catching but I did not get to encounter genesect even through I have 900+ gameplay hour. Did I miss some other requirement on encountering Genesect? If there is, please tell me.
  5. 1m on buizel
  6. when I was log in silver server, it was show that server is currently locked.
  7. When I was battle wild Kadabra, wild pokemon use role play on gengar. when I check pokemon in pc. this is happening.
  8. Normal NPC NPC Name:Bobb Dialogue: Hey. Wanna try my mom chirstmas cake? don't worry.you don't need to pay.Just spread my shop poster to place I request. Special Request (If any): Battle NPC NPC Name:Santa Starting Dialogue: Let me see.So, you are naughty boy who put park on other people. want do you want from me?Aww.I see. You want present from me? Naughty kid need punishment. Losing Dialogue: What?! I lost. Since I lost I will give you what you desire. Hmmp...Seen like my underling make some mistake on list. I need to discipline them . Anyway take this. Marry Chirstmas!! On Cooldown Dialogue: hmmp... Hope you reflect on this punishment. Team: Beartic, Mamoswine ,Abomasnow, Avalugg Special Request (If any): Need to do some trouble first to elf who making list of good and naughty kid list before you talk Santa
  9. I entered many time to the game but it always saying Game is crashed
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