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Everything posted by Mandragon

  1. Re: Wts PvP ready Talonflame with epic IVs <t>3.6m ;)</t>
  2. Re: Wts PvP ready Talonflame with epic IVs <t>3m ;)</t>
  3. Re: Wts PvP ready Talonflame with epic IVs <t>2m :)</t>
  4. Re: PVP BISHARP´S!!! - DEFIANT/ADAMANT <t>start offer on 2nd bisharp</t>
  5. Re: [24H] Wts H.A Talonflame, Dragonite / Togekiss <t>I'll say it again, I didn't change the bid. You are just being delusional my friend. Get yourself treated before it gets worse.</t>
  6. Re: [24H] Wts H.A Talonflame, Dragonite / Togekiss <t>LMAO, provide us a screenshot to prove that i made 4m bid on talonflame then everyone will believe you.</t>
  7. Re: [24H] Wts H.A Talonflame, Dragonite / Togekiss <t>No, i didin't. maybe you are being delusional.</t>
  8. Re: [24H] Wts H.A Talonflame, Dragonite / Togekiss <t>3.6m on talonflame</t>
  9. Re: [24H] Wts H.A Talonflame, Dragonite / Togekiss <t>3m on talonflame</t>
  10. Re: wts slowbro and metagross <t>2m on slowbro</t>
  11. Re: wts slowbro and metagross <t>i start on slowbro</t>
  12. Re: Yanmega 20+ modest <t>1.1m on yanmega</t>
  13. Re: wts epic omanyte ferroseed and riolu <t>i'll insta omanyte</t>
  14. Re: wts epic omanyte modest <t>Hey, we'll trade tomorrow because cant on9 right now. I'll pm you in forum once i'm available.</t>
  15. Re: wts epic omanyte modest <t>5m on omanyte</t>
  16. Re: wts epic omanyte modest <t>3m on omanyte</t>
  17. As mentioned in the topic's subject.
  18. 3m on gastrodon
  19. 2.5m on gastrodon
  20. Re: WTS Epic Gliscor, Speed boost Scolipede, Defiant Pawniard <t>2m on gliscor</t>
  21. Re: WTS Godly Slowbro <t>You didn't put the start offer price before. I start my new offer with 5m.</t>
  22. Re: WTS Godly Slowbro <t>i offer 3m..</t>
  23. i won? sorry, i haven't been playing the game for a while. We can meet now if you want.
  24. Re: SELLING H.A. RARE EPIC IVS CRAWDAUNT ( 3 days left) <t>8m...</t>
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