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  1. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>Start on Skarmory.</t>
  2. Re: Selling Epic PvP Ready Skarmory 31 Def & 31 SpDef <r>2m [align=right]<COLOR color="#000000"><s></s>is my offer<e></e></COLOR>[/align]</r>
  3. Relatively new player here, where can I learn more about these "PVP rewards"? As in a list of such rewards, requirements etc. When I log in it says We (as a guild) get 25% EXP Bonus for placing at top ladder in pvp. Is there a place where I can check (previous) top ranking guilds/players and possibly their rewards? Thanks!
  4. I start 400k on your scyther.
  5. Since the initial timer of the auction was ended, I'll sell it to you for 210k. PM me in game at Dipidydip when the servers are up.
  6. Gengar 1 is sold, Gengar 2 is still up. ----------------- Gengar 1: Starting price: 200k c/o: - Insta 450k. //SOLD for 210k to Monstercoming// ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gengar 2: Starting price: 150k c/o: - Insta 400k. GL to you all.
  7. 210k on Dratini.
  8. Prices are negotiable. PM me in game at Dipidydip or reply on this thread. For your convenience, copy-paste below code to send a pm. /pm YOURUSERNAME-=-Dipidydip Bought two for 1.1m total. Thread can be locked & closed.
  9. Re: Best exeggcute&gengar on server?+more <t>1.7m Gengar.<br/> <br/> Offer withdrawn.</t>
  10. Re: Best exeggcute&gengar on server?+more <t>1.2m on gengar</t>
  11. Does anybody know the name of it (articuno client)? With the latest patch (v0.95.8 Scary Haunter) the login theme music changes and I really want to learn the name of the previous one.
  12. I can sell you a lv 40 bold/sync natu for 5k. I can't pm you rn so I assume you're offline. Give me a pm or reply my message in this thread if you still want to buy.
  13. I appreciate for this post. As someone who doesn't know much anything past gen 2, I often find it hard to rate pokemon. This `nature/ability stuff` was news to me when I started pokemon revolution. I think I am slowly grasping the concept. The hardest part for me is to determine which stats does a pokemon need in order to be better. Anything past gen 2 is foreign to me. It'd be awesome if you can extend this post and rate more pokemon, especially more from other gens. Again, thanks for taking your time to write this. I know this is very opinionated but it's good information regardless. Also you have a small typo here, You probably meant Its nature ability is ...
  14. Cleared Kanto E4 recently and I want to breeze through Johto after I get there. I have 100k budget, for either one strong pokemon or a few high lv (+80) trash pokemon. PM me in game or leave a post here. Thanks. IGN: Dipidydip EDIT: Cleared Johto, no longer need trash poke.
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