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About Chanseylv100

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  1. who will care about that rare candy NPC ?? that NPC sell one rare candy for 20k ...... who the hell will buy rare candies from that NPC ? :confused: but i know many people buying focus sash for their offensive pokemons so this change only effect those who like use focus sash 5 sashes for only 20k ...... good time passed quickly :Shocked:
  2. maybe it's the order that matters 1. move hit -> status changed: burned -> damage -> detect pokemon burned -> lum berry cure the burned pokemon ==> but pokemon already took damage change it to 2. move hit -> check if pokemon holds lum berry -> yes -> then no effection -> no -> burn it and damage pokemon
  3. R.i.p gengar 2016 :Cool: but for talonflame ..... hm... it deserves this nerf :Smile:
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