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Posts posted by Idkup

  1. A tale of Gyarados and a bunch of rats that don't care about exp, basically


    Time to clear (Kanto): approx 7 hours

    Time to clear (Johto): approx 5 hours + half an hour farming money in Kanto to prepare

    Time to clear (Hoenn): approx 8 hours




    Final team:


























































    e4 items burned: 9x revive, ~5x lemonade, ~5x sitrus berry, ~3x leppa berry











    unknown.png (decided to commit 5x Rare Candy to not get 2HKO by scyther's u-turn)








    forgot to screenshot woops



    forgot to screenshot before













    unknown.png (Can't get forced out by Dragon Tail if the rest of the team is dead :] )



    unknown.png (Only new additions are Jumpluff for Memento + Flash + Leech Seed and Feraligatr as death fodder with a higher HP pool compared to Blastoise :] )











    items burned: ~3x super potion, ~10x lemonade, ~3x hyper potion, 1x max potion, ~6x revive, ~10x lum berry, ~5x leppa berry


































    unknown.png(Was expecting two fights, woops. Entire gym fell over to Giga Drain Masquerain.)

    Ever Grande:













    items burned: couldn't be bothered to count, fights were trivial




    There is a bug where switching after a KO sometimes sends in a Pokemon that has previously fainted rather than the correct Pokemon.

    There was one instance where levelling up in a trainer battle did not yield an evolution prompt after the battle.

    Multiple movement tiles now calculate at the same time and result in the player moving diagonally; the vectors seem to be summed.


    Overall Thoughts:


    There is nowhere near enough EXP to not play like a total rat, but Pokemon is an easy game where you can abuse a number of multipliers and interesting game mechanics to win for free. Early to mid game felt fine, but lategame EXP is about a fifth of what it should be and became very noticeable after Saffron. The traditional grinding spot in Victory Road yields approximately 1000-2000 EXP per battle, which is frankly a joke. This level of difficulty is fun for me because it allows me to justify abusing the AI with Sturdy + Rocks + Thunder Wave + Flash + Intimidate + Eerie Impulse into +6 into win, but is not realistic for casual play whatsoever. People cannot be expected to relog four times against Giovanni's Mewtwo for a full paralysis turn to Curse with a level 20 Gastly and trivialize the fight.


    The EXP share is great QOL and let me level Electrode from approximately 20 to the 40-45 I needed while clearing Victory Road without extra pain. The EXP bar also seems to be a little quicker, which is nice. I do appreciate the ability to evolve in general as looking forward to these power-spikes is part of the charm of the genre. Overall, just fix mid-late game EXP and it would be a lot better.


    Some routes in Johto have level 15 wild spawns and level 40+ trainers, further exacerbating the situation and effectively creating a limited EXP pool in the region. The clear would not have been possible (without a painful grind) without bringing the single copy of the Swords Dance TM available in Kanto and picking Totodile to abuse Surf + Ice Beam + Dig earlygame and Swords Dance + Agility + Ice Fang + Earthquake lategame to bypass the deficiency in raw stats and levels. Also, Feraligatr sucks in comparison to Gyarados, and switching out and setting up approximately four times for a Smokescreen miss from a certain Skuntank was not very fun.


    There is significantly more EXP available in Hoenn, though it is not enough, and does not redeem the region in any way whatsoever. I was evidently happy to consign the memories of the atrocious Jackson-Magma-Aqua storyline to an abyss where I'd never have to contemplate it again, but... the entire region's story should be looked at for a rework. The sheer amount of backtracking and unnecessarily repetitive combat against grunts that pose no real threat while simultaneously draining resources (on this rework, you are perennially underlevelled if you care about your sanity) is an unreasonable chore. Mt. Pyre in particular no longer fits with the apparent design philosophy of the current team - after all, the trainers there can still be skipped using the relog exploit, indicating they weren't touched in recent reworks - as a device where previous Scripters evidently hoped to bore players to uninstall. Similarly, the monotony of the three raids on the Weather Institute, Magma Hideout, Aqua Hideout, and Seafloor Cavern fulfill no real gameplay purpose, and many areas simply have too many trainers for no reason. The difficulty curve in general is also completely out of sorts - Deoxys is capable of wiping a team; Brawly, Wattson, Norman, and Winona are significantly threatening... while the final two gyms fall over to a Masquerain 20 levels behind curve and the Elite Four is an utter joke. Regarding the subject at hand, it's likely possible to raise 3 Pokemon with all the trainer battles available in the region, but it would be quite a painful experience. The EXP Share was sufficient for keeping Electrode and Masquerain serving their respective purposes to allow for Quiver Dance + Baton Pass to make up for Swampert's lack of raw stats.

    • Like 2
  2. I think it would be for the best if the use of event forms was dialed back.


    In recent years, events have come with well over a dozen new forms of varying quality - some amazing, and some that leave the player befuddled as to how they were approved - a certain grinch-bear comes to mind. At the same time, it has become evident that the amount of aesthetic resources allocated to supporting new maps and stories has dwindled. For example, Alto Mare reuses tiles meant for the Airship from the Legendary Bird questline, while the levers and steam clouds in the Christmas dungeon look ever-so-slightly out of place. No doubt this lack of flexibility frustrates those working on maps, and by extension, those looking for new ideas to script and implement into the game.


    I understand that this may be difficult with available resources or even downright impossible. However, if it is an option, I would certainly like to see an area with a new palette over yet more forms.


    I apologize if this post is off-topic.

    • Like 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, makeitwitchu said:

    That is such a flawed way of thinking though. For one, what is claimed and what is conveyed is not always the same. The rhetoric, the structure, the donation system is all set up to mimic a game company, you can't just ignore that because of one line of text. Being self-proclaimed hobbyist should not excuse you from being held accountable. If you want to submissively bow your head and not try to enact positive change, that is fine, but do not attack those who do because of your own unwillingness to think critically. 

    you forget there are people on both sides of the screen. the people complaining about prehax have said much worse to others. i get you want to stick it to "the man" but that doesn't exist in this situation. staff have zero incentive or requirement to hold themselves to a higher standard when speaking casually.  people simultaneously treat staff with ridiculous deference while complaining about staff egos they inflate themselves.


    id say that players should treat staff like other players but frankly a not insignificant amount of this community treats other people terribly, so i guess ill just say that everyone should be respectful but not deferential to each other, regardless of whether or not that person is staff. would go a long way towards bridging that gap.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 minute ago, envymeister said:

    U think i didnt Idkup? they said they would handle the situation accordingly, that said: did nothing, let it slip. why? Well it was back when Shaui was an admin, biased times. ahh good old days. dont miss them a bit. hope she never returns, wished the same to Q8, but sadly he is back 😕 

    thats fine but my point is this thread has gone off the rails disproportionately targeting q8 when theres real problems that affect players a lot more than prehax being mean

  5. 1 minute ago, envymeister said:

    If u get banned/quiet ban for typing ''gg ez'' imagine a staffer, that entity in game that should be a role model for the community, being the first to insult you ;D Stupid, Idiot, such words the way he uses, he fully intends to cause harm 😄 if any normal player would call him that in game, im sure he would ban you on spot. God, u cant even tell him that he is ''the best staff ever'' x) u get hammer down


    1 minute ago, FabiojouYT said:

    Well, I said that I would sleep with my grandmother and they gave me 20 days of ban

    if these are true you guys should really take issue with the staff issuing those bans because i think we all agree they're ridiculous and indefensible, no?

  6. Just now, 666G0D999 said:


    This just goes to show the sheer ignorance. I never mentioned Pre and my problems lie somewhere else, yet you have no problem to brush EVERYBODY together.

    Diplomatic language? You mean the same language you expect from players, regardless of the context? If someone rips me off and I call him an idiot, all he has to do is make a screenshot and report me - I will get banned. But if a staff member uses that kind of language, regardless of the context, nothing happens and she should just swallow it. Makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:

    good luck getting someone banned because they called you stupid

    • Like 2
  7. just rename this topic to prehax hate thread already


    y'all ask for more communication from staff, he communicates his opinions and doesn't veil them behind diplomatic language - is this not the transparency people ask for? his dismissiveness of opinions he doesnt agree with is the primary issue between staff and players? please. not everyone is good at putting on a fake smile and lying to your face that they'll "think about it."


    makes perfect sense why others avoid interacting with this community like the plague.


    good riddance.

    • Like 7
  8. ik we talked about this in DM but I really feel that both Lati twins being ranked below mons like Bisharp, Weavile, and Zapdos is a massive travesty and makes no sense - Scarf Tyranitar is not common enough to keep them from being by far the best Keldeo answers for teams that care about tempo - Latios's draco meteor is an insane special nuke and Latias has more utility than 95% of the tier.


    Alakazam-M (51% on-paper 2hkos) and Medicham-M (mediocre speed tier, garbage bulk) are both overrated imo, Diancie is better than them in general with 110 speed tier + unique typing + magic bounce, but we talked about this as well.


    just wanted to post my thoughts to maybe start some discussion

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Iampvp said:

    What u said is certainly fine but actually rerolls = economy if everyone have good legendaries whats the use of ladder tournament summer tournament and stuff? They are then useless and moreover its ur mind actually how u think abt making a team wont lie but i have only a keldeo in game and thats too way bad spd -23 and just 26 spatk with not so good defenses but that still worked great and in my first season i was without legendaries. To be honest i myself need some good legends but sadly if u just have to play perfect ivs then pro is not the platform u must move showdown i too do when i want to play perfect ivs. Just imagine no rerolls = no economy 
    1st They are the fastest way of making money
    2nd Not so hard to get we got solaceon quest for that and u can buy them for pvp coins 
    3rd This game has two aspects pve + pvp. A pve player will do pve without any reason but a pvp players actually do that stuff just to grind some money and pve coins. Certainly if there is no need to reroll legends u dont need any money u can hunt every other mon this surely neglects pve part of this game although i dont do it myself ........
    Ending the convo i say a -1

    image.png.996e0238fff8c40732e5ebfe26181e51.pngjust do 11 years of solaceon, 50% chance you'll get a playable thundurus from it

  10. 26 minutes ago, Ghabra said:


    I hate to disagree here but rerolls , as any other item in the game are based on supply and demand. Reroll tickets are always in demand and that is why their price never plummeted. Yes their base price is based on their scarcity,  but  at worst,  their price never drops below 700k  which is 93% of the original price , and their price at their peak is around 800k which is 106% of the original price , this is why most people will hoard their reroll tickets until a new legendary drops . This shows that reroll tickets are always in demand.


    Let's take another item as an example which is masterballs, their base price is around 50k. Masterballs are only in demand when a new legendary drops. When they are , their price goes up to 60k. 55k and below is considered cheap. But outside of when a new legendary drops , their price is around 40k , and i've even seen people even drop to 35k and 30k . That's a 20% increase in price at their peak and a whopping 40% drop in price at their lowest. This goes to show how important supply and demand are in pro, and that's for a very common item like masterballs.  I know comparing masterballs and reroll tickets might not be the best example here but this is the best comparison i came up with at the moment. 


    If everyone can guarantee a decent / playable legendary at a fixed price , the demand will certainly decrease , just like with masterballs when no one needs them anymore . At first the prices might stay the same or increase a bit . But with time , a year or two from now, everyone will have usable legendaries and reroll tickets will not be as in demand anymore. This occurence will certainly lower their price and have a long term impact on the game economy . Again , i do not know if this effect will be a good or a positive one , we can only hope.




    - Rerolls are currently always in demand, because "elite" players want "epic" legendaries.

    - Rerolls will remain always in demand if it is reasonable to obtain decent legendaries. Instead of the ultra-rich spending 844 rerolls on an HP Ice Thundurus that may or may not appear, more average players will spend 10 or 20 rerolls to obtain playable legendaries, which is something that is currently out of their reach. Rich players will reroll more niche legendaries for experimentation - think of all the Kyurem and Moltres rotting in players' boxes right now. Are they bad Pokemon? Not necessarily, but the current system makes it more or less impossible to justify spending rerolls improving their stats. More reasonable numbers will only increase demand, not reduce it.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Ghabra said:

    I agree on all these points , and ive always disliked the pro reroll system. Even though i hate being against the current , i do have some concerns about changing it because it's not as simple as buffing reroll tickets in some way.


    As much as i hate the rerolling system, i also believe that it kind of balances out the economy in it's own way . Yes rng is a [very nice woman] and spending more and more money on rerolls does not guarantee you a decent legendary . This mechanic is absolutely horrible. Rerolling legendaries is basically gambling , and gambling is addictive , people will never give up rerolling because of the gambling adrenaline rush . Gambling as a whole is such a predatory system , but that's another can of worms that i will not really get into .


    But reroll tickets are a currency at this point just like coin capsules. Making rerolling less rng dependant will certainly lower their value .

    I have never been the best at economy but i can certainly tell that dropping a currency's value by a huge margin will have a big impact on the economy. I do not know how it will change it , either in a positive or a negative way but it certainly will. This will be a huge change towards the game whether you're a pver or a pvper. The staff really should make an educated decision here because it will decide the future of the economy of pro. 


    Just wanted to lay out these concerns , im not opposing to the idea at all though , +1 from me.

    Reroll tickets currently sell for ~750k. If we assess the value of a playable legendary at 10M, it is only worth spending 13.3 rerolls on a legendary at their current price. As the numbers in this post demonstrate, that investment is not likely to yield a playable legendary. This shows that rerolls are currently priced based on their scarcity, not their value - I would expect little (if any) change in price if rerolls are buffed or other ways of improving legendary stats are introduced.

    • Like 1
  12. Much has been said about how annoying and expensive it is to reroll your legendary Pokemon. With the amount of powerful legendary Pokemon being released, this is a bigger problem than ever before. It is currently difficult to imagine a properly constructed PvP team without at least one legendary - the likes of Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, Thundurus, Manaphy, and Mega Diancie simply have no comparable huntable replacement. Because of this, I would like to present a mathematical analysis on how difficult it is to obtain a legendary that is able to function in its role - having sufficient speed to maintain its speed tier, and the correct hidden power if necessary. I will only look for average secondary stats (HP, offenses, defenses >= 15). These statistics were computed using a script that simulates rerolling a legendary over and over until it meets certain parameters. This was posted in the PvP forum as it is most relevant to PvP players.


    First, let's consider this (admittedly subjective) list of essential legendaries:




    - Zapdos - Premier Defog user. One of the best electric types currently available, one of the best options for stall against Pokemon like Serperior. Prefers Hidden Power Ice.

    - Jirachi - Good utility scarfer with access to Healing Wish and U-turn. Also quite good as a specially defensive support - reliable Stealth Rock setter and one of the best available checks to Mega Alakazam.

    - Latios - Specially offensive nuke. Best offensive answer to Keldeo in the game. Reasonable way to fit Defog without severe loss of tempo. Decent mega evolution. Sometimes runs Hidden Power Fire, though I would not recommend it.

    - Latias - Latios except 20 SpA is traded for bulk and access to Healing Wish. Better user of Choice Scarf, worse user of Choice Specs, has a bit more utility as a Defog user and slightly better as a Mega evolution. Occasionally runs Hidden Power Ground as a mega, but this is not necessary.

    - Manaphy - The reason Unaware Calm Mind Clefable is a thing. Sometimes runs Hidden Power Fire.

    - Tornadus-Therian - Premier Defog user, premier pivot, can stallbreak - the only downside of this Pokemon is Hurricane's accuracy.

    - Thundurus - This thing is extremely underrated and brings so much utility in the offense mirror. Will almost always trade 1 for 2. Prefers Hidden Power Ice.

    - Landorus-Therian - Everyone knows what this thing does. Sometimes runs Hidden Power Ice.

    - Keldeo - One of the most dangerous offensive threats available. Will potentially start running Hidden Power Grass or Electric in the future as more people abuse Keldtar cores leading to increased usage of Gastrodon or Jellicent.

    - Diancie (Mega) - Magic Bounce is good. Powerful Rock STAB with more than 80% accuracy is good. Often runs Hidden Power Fire.





    - Moltres

    - Mew

    - Raikou

    - Entei

    - Suicune

    - Celebi

    - Cresselia

    - Kyurem

    - Volcanion



    Let's consider only the 10 legendaries listed as essential. Here are the speed IVs they must meet to remain in their speed tier:



    - Zapdos - Doesn't run full speed investment, so speed IV is less important.

    - Jirachi - Needs 28 to outspeed Hydreigon, which is relatively rare. Realistically, wants max to tie with other Pokemon in the speed tier like Manaphy or Mega Medicham after using Trick, but is able to play the game without it. 14 to outspeed max speed Landorus-Therian is the absolute lower bound.

    - Latios / Latias - Need 30 to outspeed Ninetales-Alola, which becomes a major concern if Aurora Veil usage rises. Need 28 to outrun Keldeo, which is absolutely essential.

    - Manaphy - Sometimes doesn't run full speed investment. Needs speed primarily to tie with other base 100 Pokemon. Like Jirachi, needs 28 to outrun Hydreigon, but when Hydreigon is played it is typically using a Choice Scarf and not very relevant to outspeed.

    - Tornadus-Therian - Needs 30 to outrun base form Alakazam, which is of dubious relevance. Needs 27 to outspeed Adamant Mega Lopunny.

    - Thundurus - Needs 30 to outrun Latios, Latias, Gengar, and the rest of the base 110 cohort. Needs 28 to outrun Ninetales-Alola, and 26 to outrun Keldeo, which is certainly necessary.

    - Landorus-Therian - Needs 26 to outrun Excadrill, and 30 for the rare Lucario.

    - Keldeo - Needs 26 for Mega Pinsir.

    - Diancie - see Latios/Latias, but 30 is doubly important as Diancie threatens to OHKO Ninetales-Alola.



    Let's take a look at how many rerolls it would take to obtain bare minimum speed, reasonable secondary stats, and Hidden Power if necessary (Mean | Median # rerolls necessary in 10,000 simulations rounded to nearest integer):



    Zapdos ([ICE]; HP, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe >= 15): 285 | 199

    Jirachi (HP, Atk, Def, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 28): 85 | 59

    Latios/Latias (HP, Def, SpA, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 30): 171 | 117 (if only 28 speed is desired, the numbers are similar to Jirachi)

    Manaphy (HP, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe >= 15): 19 | 13 (though few top-tier PvP players would use a Manaphy of this quality, it is the theoretical minimum)

    Tornadus-Therian (HP, Def, SpA, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 27): 67 | 45

    Thundurus ([ICE]; HP, Def, SpA, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 26): 844 | 580

    Landorus-Therian (HP, Atk, Def, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 26): 56 | 39

    Keldeo (HP, Def, SpA, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 26): 56 | 38 (even after 10000 simulations there is still variance! theoretically this value is the same as that for Landorus-T)

    Diancie (HP, Atk, Def, SpA, SpD >= 15, Spe >= 30): 313 | 215



    Sum total: 1877 mean /  1305 median reroll tickets needed for simply playable stats. Source code can be provided if anyone is interested in double-checking my work, but arithmetic will show that these numbers are reasonable. I think no one will disagree when I say this is unrealistic for the vast majority of the playerbase. Of course, the primary offender is Hidden Power, but I would consider these numbers unacceptable even without the [Ice] electrics. As frustrating as it is for players, I can't imagine it's profitable for the game, either - with these numbers most players simply won't bother rerolling, weakening the economy.


    My best suggestion for mitigating this issue is allowing players to grind to increase their legendaries' IVs up to a maximum of 15. I'd love to hear any alternative ideas.


    As an aside, this forum needs actual moderation. The Greninja thread was a cesspool of low-effort posts and blatant misinformation - Keita eventually closed it, but ideally we would be able to engage in productive discussion without these sorts of distractions.


    • Like 22
  13. why is anyone even talking about unpredictability

    greninja only needs 4 moves to be beyond broken

    it should always be running 3 of those 4 moves

    any other set is hard trolling and makes greninja look balanced


    Greninja @ Life Orb

    Ability: Protean

    Timid Nature

    252 SpA 252 Spe 4 Def

    - Ice Beam

    - Hydro Pump

    - Spikes

    - Extrasensory / Hidden Power Grass


    anything you need other coverage to hit you can just spikestack on, the only defoggers allowed to play the game are mantine, spdef mew, and empoleon (lol)


    i dont think i need to explain why stacking spikes on a mon with infinite offensive pressure is broken asf

    • Like 3
  14. YEP 100% BALANCED


    no need for any action i havent played pokemon in months, dont ban gren mawile please i need my free rating



    obvious sarcasm, these things are disgusting, unfair, and make me feel bad for my opponents. anyone arguing against ban clearly hasn't faced them being properly abused. that said, metagross may end up overcentralizing but isn't anywhere near as strong as mawile, wouldn't mind seeing how it fares with the clearly broken garbage out - can always ban when it actually becomes a problem


    • Like 4
  15. Hello, i decided to give some thoughts on what i think could be new nature/sets to be considered for the rankings.


    Starting of with a small one, i believe adamant on breloom should be considered as it offers significantly more power which ends up mattering in some interesting scenarios, taking into account the focus sash set. Jolly has it perks, outspeeding bish, since like 95%+ run adamant, outspeeding ada diggersby a well as ada dnite, outpacing the fabled 240-244 speed gap that so many mons like to creep themselves with, such as zapdos, jirachi, mew.


    Adamant however has a chance to ohko mamo with 2 bullet seed hits, guaranteed after rocks damage

    252 Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (2 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mamoswine: 292-348 (80.8 - 96.3%) -- approx. 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

    252+ Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (2 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mamoswine: 324-384 (89.7 - 106.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock


    much higher chance to kill azu with 2 bullet seed, guaranteed after rocks damage

    252 Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (2 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 292-348 (85.3 - 101.7%) -- approx. 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

    252+ Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (2 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 324-384 (94.7 - 112.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock


    favorable chance to kill max hp torn after rocks damage

    252 Atk Technician Breloom Rock Tomb vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Tornadus-Therian: 236-278 (65.3 - 77%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

    252+ Atk Technician Breloom Rock Tomb vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Tornadus-Therian: 258-304 (71.4 - 84.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


    chance to ohko excadrill with mach, guaranteed after 1 lo recoil, jolly only has about a 70% after lo recoil

    252 Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 296-350 (81.9 - 96.9%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

    252+ Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 324-384 (89.7 - 106.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


    and other stuff like guaranteing an ohko on max hp heatran at +2 with mach and having a 7/8 chance to ohko max hp ttar instead of jolly's 3/8 chance, these are just some examples where brelooms extra power comes into play.




    Other nature and one set that i think could be considered for the viability rankings is impish chomp and mixed lo rocks. I understand that jolly helmet chomp is nice to still be able to check faster threats like drill, dnite, max speed manaphy/jirachi as well as max speed heatran but impish brings so many benefits as well that jolly cant, that i feel like its unfair to not have it as a recomended nature for one its much better checking mons relying on priority like bish and scizor a choice locked azu.

    chomp has to be significantly healthy just to check a bish's sucker at +2


    +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 331-391 (78.8 - 93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    which compared to the impish calcs

    +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Garchomp: 253-298 (60.2 - 70.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


    having an average 35% is still enough to live hits like cb azu jet, mach from conk, bp from banded scizor (relying a bit on rolls form bish and scizor but rolls are in chomps favor) avoiding 2hko from banded ttar crunch and a favorable chace to not get 2hko from ada lo drill are just some other perks in investing extra bulk on chomp, not saying its better set (tho with the upcoming of megas it certainly will be) but i think it has its merits.


    Naive is a bit out there, and will be more effective once chomp gets his mega but since in general pro doesnt have the most reliable switches to mixed attackers unless you have a direct counter to that mon, this could prove to make chomp a rather interesting anti-meta/lure stealth rocker, with options like flamethrower/fire blast to effectively deal with phys def skarm and even spdef ferro if you pack an lo, and this is talking with minimal investment in special attack.


    4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 176-208 (52.6 - 62.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 176-208 (50 - 59%) -- 67.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


    The most interesting option with this set imo is actually max spatk lo with draco meteor, the idea to pretty much get up rocks with it and not let the pressure be gone from common hazard removers in the game,


    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 302-356 (90.4 - 106.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 291-348 (82.6 - 98.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-Wash: 188-224 (61.8 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 242-285 (75.8 - 89.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 242-285 (63.3 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    252 SpA Life Orb Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 88 SpD Tangrowth: 338-398 (83.6 - 98.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


    Earthquake is still the better option as the ground stab as it hits targets like ttar, tentacruel and jirachi harder. If your name isnt togekiss, odds are youre going to have to take a lot of damage to remove the hazards.




    Bold manaphy - cm rest manaphy while overshadowed by its more potent setup option, tail glow, still proves to be an insane wincon given the proper support. It doesnt get much for manaphy to start setting up and basically put your opponent in a tight position, after a cm or two only mons like breelom, raikou, thundurus, serperior, ferrothorn, celebi and gastro/seismitoad are going to hold it back. I kinda of compare it to crocune, which yeah it has its advantages like better bulk and pressure depending on the situation, but manaphy is no slacker as long as you play your rain turns well with rest, its a mon thats gonna snowball much faster than suicune, which helps against more offensive mu that try to use stuff like rotom to force the rest or something. Calcs are similar to crocrune so i dont think its necessary to show mana's bulk.


    Thats it for now, giving a brief look, these seem to be the most important updates i believe, after the next update im sure there'll be lots to discuss.




    I agree with the bulk of this post, but I do not think the slight additional bulk of Impish Garchomp (which still has no recovery) ever justifies running this set over a corresponding Jolly set with an appropriate speed tier. Most of your suggested changes have been implemented. As for Bold Manaphy, I think the set needs to see some more experimentation. I tried 252 HP Timid CM Manaphy a while back in full stall and it was reasonably functional, but I'm not convinced it's better than Suicune.

  16. Changelog 6/30/2020:


    As I have been actively laddering this season, this update is rather large. A lot of Pokemon's rankings have been shifted downward, D rank has been removed, and C rank's definition has been clarified. Here is the full log of changes:


    rotom-wash -> A+
    tornadus-t -> A+
    azumarill -> A
    bisharp -> A
    chansey -> A
    ferrothorn: relaxed / sassy
    garchomp: jolly / naive
    gengar -> A
    greninja -> S
    heatran: timid / calm / modest
    landorus-i -> A
    gliscor -> A+
    magnezone -> A-
    serperior -> A-
    tangrowth -> A+
    togekiss -> A-
    breloom: jolly / adamant
    hippowdon -> B+
    hydreigon -> B+
    infernape -> B
    kommo-o -> B+
    skarmory -> B+
    suicune -> B+
    thundurus-t -> B+
    azelf -> B
    conkeldurr -> B-
    entei -> B
    heracross: jolly / adamant -> B
    nidoking -> B
    salamence -> B
    scolipede -> B
    staraptor -> B
    starmie -> B
    aerodactyl -> C+
    alakazam -> C+
    chandelure -> B+
    gyarados -> B-
    darmanitan -> C+
    jellicent -> C+
    kabutops: jolly / adamant
    krookodile -> C
    mantine -> C
    milotic -> C-
    slowbro -> B
    arcanine -> C-
    empoleon -> C
    gastrodon: sassy / relaxed -> B-
    gligar -> UNR
    jolteon -> C-
    haxorus -> C-
    machamp -> UNR
    medicham -> C
    omastar -> C
    nidoqueen -> C-
    porygon-z -> UNR
    tyrantrum -> C
    venomoth -> C-
    venusaur -> B-
    articuno -> C-
    blissey -> C-
    florges -> C-
    gardevoir -> C-
    mienshao -> UNR
    stoutland -> C-
    whimsicott -> C-
    flygon -> UNR
    mesprit -> UNR
    noivern -> UNR
    scrafty -> UNR
    torkoal -> B-
    weezing -> UNR
    cradily -> UNR
    donphan -> UNR
    emboar -> UNR
    exeggutor-alolan -> UNR
    gallade -> UNR
    honchkrow -> UNR
    lanturn -> UNR
    magmortar -> UNR
    marowak -> UNR
    miltank -> UNR
    qwilfish -> C-
    ninetales -> UNR
    rhyperior -> UNR
    rotom-mow -> UNR
    sableye -> UNR
    sandslash-alolan -> C-
    sharpedo -> UNR
    shaymin -> C-
    slowking -> C-
    snorlax -> UNR
    victreebel-> UNR
    yanmega -> UNR
    poliwrath -> C-


    It would take ages to explain all of these changes, so I'll go over a select few.


    Rotom-Wash -> A+


    Rotom-W is as good as ever, but it is not on the same level as the two Pokemon that now occupy S-rank.


    Tornadus-T -> A+

    I underestimated how unreliable Hurricane is. Tornadus-T is still great, but it cannot function as a sole check to the wide variety of threats it covers in theory.


    Chansey -> A, Skarmory -> B+, et al.

    Stall is no longer the strongest archetype in the game. The onslaught of new threats has made its life a little more difficult.


    Gengar -> A

    Gengar faces stiff competition from Greninja and Tornadus-Therian, which can fill similar attacking roles while providing much more utility to the team.


    Greninja -> S

    This Pokemon is broken and should have been banned two years ago.


    Greninja has scarce few answers for its massive attacking movepool. When faced with these answers, it can simply set Spikes on the switch and proceed to get out. Hidden Power Grass and Ice Beam allow Greninja to deny every relevant Defog user in the game (sorry Mantine and Empoleon), which makes it very effective at keeping Spikes up, unlike most other users of the move. This quality allows it to tear down defensive teams by itself - the amount of Ferrothorn, Heatran, and even Chansey that I've been able to smash with Specs Latios's Psychic thanks to Spikes pressure from Greninja has been absolutely absurd. When playing Spikes Greninja, there is no need for a dedicated stallbreaker. Simply keeping up offensive pressure is sufficient.


    As for why I didn't come to this conclusion earlier?

    For a decent amount of time, I considered Gunk Shot necessary on Greninja. As nice as the coverage is, it does not deal with Rotom-Wash, one of the most prominent Defog users in the game - allowing it to remove Spikes set by Greninja fairly reliably - resulting in no progress being made by the Greninja player. Hidden Power Grass removes this issue entirely (Grass Knot cannot be used due to its pitiful base power against Rotom). Proper handling of its weakness to priority is also of utmost importance - I tried to fit Greninja on extremely offensive teams that already tend to struggle against priority. With these issues resolved, Greninja is a terrifying force - an offensive Pokemon with an excellent speed tier, no true answers, and the ability to destroy defensive teams on its own.


    Landorus-I -> A

    As much as people want this Pokemon banned, it's frankly just a worse Greninja. Its lower speed tier is not made up for by its marginally increased breaking power, while Greninja's Ice Beam is a much more spammable attack than Landorus's Earth Power. Stealth Rock is better than Spikes, but also has many more viable users. If Greninja is enough to demolish stall, there is not as much of a need for a slower option which is considerably worse against offense.


    Gliscor -> A+

    Gliscor is incredibly easy to fit on virtually any team. With the correct set, it can handle a number of top-tier threats for any team - Bisharp, Clefable, Gengar, Heatran, et al. It is never the best counter for something, but its durability allows it to serve as a fairly solid check. Poison Heal and the ability to stallbreak with Taunt set it apart from Landorus-T.

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  17. +1


    I think it can be a really good thing for the game for many reasons :


    1) If you share your games on Youtube.

    -> Actually, people can check your move set / items / ivs very easily. This is a really big and unfair advantage. With this system, they can be hidden if they want / need.


    2) There will be less flame / taunt / insults in the battle chat with this system. You can't send an annoying PM if you don't know your opponent


    3) The pvp battle will be fairer. It will be harder / impossible to share important information like move set with your friends / guild. With this system , each player will have same information : NONE. We need to check / think during the game and we shouldn't have an advantage knowing that this Volcarona is HP Ice (for example) BEFORE the game.


    I hope it will be implemented in the future :PikaLurk:



    "really big and unfair advantage"


    No. Just no. Half the ladder playerbase knows what my teams are and it doesn't really matter, because anyone with the skill to pose a challenge would have extrapolated likely sets to a point where they can play accurately by Team Preview. In fact, it's almost easier to deal with someone that knows your team, because they will often think linearly rather than completely. No one on ladder is going to bother to directly counterteam a single player. If you see a Volcarona paired with two solid Heatran answers, it's probably not Hidden Power Ground.


    With regard to the suggestion at large, it seems infeasible because of the difficulty it would impose on moderation. Anonymity also makes people bolder in the face of rules, which would be a further negative impact on a community that can be somewhat toxic already. Regarding being "exposed" on Youtube: Everyone loses. So what?



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  18. Actually, the strategy should be set up at the time you are building your team, thinking about the right play shouldn't take too long if you know how your team works and how it interacts with the opponent's team. IMO, 5 mins is more than enough to set up your battle strategy (since every check for your team should be considered at the moment of its build), everything else should not have problems with 15 seconds. Atleast i wouldn't calculate the damage on each battle, neither stats, i know garchomp max spd is 333, since it's a meta pokemon and it should be considered, i don't need to calculate it.


    Unless you're playing Aurora Veil (RIP Baton Pass) or other one-dimensional hyper-offense builds, this is utterly and dangerously untrue. Unless your team is so aggressive that your gameplan is the same every game (just kill everything lol), regardless of your opponent's decisions, you have to interact with your opponent. This renders it necessary to adjust your strategy in response to your opponent, which usually means calculating lines to a depth of at least 3 turns - easily taking at least 30 seconds to consider just reasonable options.

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