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Everything posted by Titania

  1. Are you online now?
  2. willing to sell spiritomp for 12m? and do you accept rerolls as payment method, i can pay a little percent of the price with them.
  3. A rare pink gallade, take into account Ralts/Kirlia has a low percent to be male and the rarity of the pink variant. Mega Gallade showcase: Start 5m Min bid 100k Insta 10m Auction lasts 3 days after start offer.
  4. i offer 1.8m for nidoking if you want
  5. I'm willing to pay 10m for chande. Let me know if you accept this offer.
  6. This is a cross server auction, this means I will deliver the pokemon to the buyer's server without fee. Fixed price is 30m Payment methods: Pokedollars - Capsule Coins (380k) - Reroll Tickets (700k)
  7. Hero Of Justice#3493 <- Price is fixed, i barely play so discord is the easiest way to contact me.
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