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Everything posted by Varsity77

  1. Request : Trade evolving In-game name: Varsity77 Server: Gold GMT Timezone: GMT +2 (Paris, France) Want to trade evolve my scyther. Thanks a lot for the help :)
  2. We can have Icebeam in Seaform island
  3. Can anybody help me ?
  4. Hi guys ! I want to spend time to catch dratini that is a very rare pokemon and xp in safari so i want to buy 24 hours of safari in kanto. But if i buy it, i can't leave it. So how can I heal my pokemon ?
  5. Ok thanks x) So, which pokemon can i find in safari zone ?
  6. Hey guys ! I make some research because i want to have dratini to complete my team. I just find someone say the only way to catch dratini is by being a MS. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25484 At this link, i saw a pretty good guide that said we can catch without MS. It may have changed since, so is it possible for now ?
  7. Hey ! Name: Varsity77 Server: Yellow Problem: I want to trade evolving my electabuzz and my onix ONLINE: GMT+2 Thank you :)
  8. Oh nice thank you so much ! I've just seen that we need the rainbow badge to trade but i have only 3 badge. So i'll do it later.
  9. Can he only evolve via trading ? I'm afraid to trade with somebody and lose my pokemon because he doesn't give him back to me.
  10. Hi guys ! I've got Onix for now and i want to evolve him into Steelix but i don't know how to do that.
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