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Posts posted by Cleius

  1. Thanks, Already sorry for the inconvenience. Hope it will continue without others problems 

    13 minutes ago, Monteria said:

    Greeting @Cleius,


    As a reminder and to avoid any possible confusion, an insta-price can not be added, removed or edited after the start of the auction.

    Take a moment to read and familiarise yourself with our Auction Rules to avoid further punishments.


    This auction can continue without any insta-price like it was when it started.

    Sorry for the inconvenience - Monteria.


  2. 6 minutes ago, daftgenius said:

    Umm two things here.. you can't just move an auction after it started.


    And if you post in cross server, you are the one who needs to move server.

    Oh, thanks for explanation. It’s my first sell, so.. 

    How move between servers work? But first at all, I must delete this post or can I delete the previous one on gold server? Thanks for your time

  3. Hi guys, i have reach Tamatha, lost vs her, went already but diseappear, so i have reached Lilycover, surf, but swimmer is still in front of and say same things. I return back to Magma hidenout and dont found already Tabatha. Im locked on game.. If there arent more than 1 answer, please write me on pm, i have problems on charge pages on forum, i can see only 1/3 of page. Thanks for help

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