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Everything posted by Getdark

  1. Re: Dig (Cracks) & Rock Smash pokemon encounters <t>this is only a suggestion or even started?</t>
  2. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <t>100k myghtyena</t>
  3. randrosxd you dont online in game ? xD
  4. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Epic Growlithe Snorlax Larvitar etc - Snorlax bo started <t>I canceled my bo in snorlax because i captured one good.<br/> I interessed in other poke , OMARDALEY1 send pm me when you go online, we will negotiate the other pokemon my interest</t>
  5. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ <t>Omardaley1 you not online in game ?</t>
  6. post or pm me in game
  7. Send me ivs please or pm me Getdark in game xD
  8. focus sash disappears :( Please, give back my item :(
  9. Wtb Serene grace bold togepi and buy choice scarf ,coments or pm in game please
  10. Offer please
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