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Everything posted by Getdark

  1. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - Lev 100 - Full Dex Service Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/92% SINNOH <t>accept friend in game,interessed in dex service please</t>
  2. buy ha shoormish or evos, ha fletching or evos, ha torchic or evos pm me or post image
  3. start : 250k Instant : ??? SOOOOLD !!!!
  4. up
  5. No ,thank you ^^
  6. Shinys sold in game by 220k ^^ Full Train sold in game by 105k Bo?? By?? Good's Sold in game by 230k ^^ Bo?? By?? Bo?? By?? sold in game by 90k
  7. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>because I can not get to one of the stones of the legendary? I have done the quest, have all caught Kanto and jhoto</t>
  8. I would like to register. [iGN - Getdark] [Timezone- GMT-2]
  9. Re: Jaeco's shop (added legendary shinx) <t>300k for second breloom careful</t>
  10. Re: Jaeco's shop (added legendary shinx) <t>120k for second breloom ^^</t>
  11. ..
  12. carvanha dont is speed boost , phamtump impish i sold have careful , and vullaby one impish vullaby (but I do not know if soulrend will want, if he wants it is because he asked first)
  13. vullaby impish ,elektrike, i have vullaby impish,electrike,pumpkaboo
  14. Omardaley1 i have 1 impish haverts
  15. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ <t>81k hyppopotas</t>
  16. Re: Jaeco's shop <t>50k for eevee mild</t>
  17. more and my 5 Fossil will I, will I lose? :s
  18. Well, I already gave them five fossil as you can see there below me pressing the space of my keyboard and saying what it is this fossil, but there is no picture and I can not get my aerodactylite, I wanted to know if they can resolve this bug to min please.
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