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Everything posted by Kristuhfur

  1. *scratches head* i dont get why you wouldnt join the yellow server.. *stumped* :Shocked:
  2. Make yellow default one more time to average out the players in each server, then go with the plan of showing all 3 at once. please?? That would be great! Thanks for everything (Btw, it's summer so that means we'll probably get a huge influx of new players) :y: :Shy:
  3. Noooo come to yellow
  4. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Huge Updated 2/2) Come and see possible give away <t>alright ill insta the ttar for 1m thanks<br/> <br/> and if possible, the vapareon for 500k plss :D</t>
  5. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Updated 1/23) Come and see possible give away <r><QUOTE author="Kristuhfur"><s> </e></QUOTE> omg lmao made a third post by accident im high<e></e></QUOTE></r>
  6. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Updated 1/23) Come and see possible give away <r><QUOTE author="Kristuhfur"><s> </e></QUOTE> omg lmao made a third post by accident im high</r>
  7. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Updated 1/23) Come and see possible give away <t>woops mb for double post<br/> IGN: Kristuhfur</t>
  8. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Updated 1/23) Come and see possible give away <t>I'd like to offer 700k for the sandstream tyranitar. thanks</t>
  9. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Price Updated 1/17) <t>Where did mamoswine go?</t>
  10. So I've been checking the amount of players on the servers and the players on yellow have significantly dropped.. I've actually noticed it in game, feels more empty than before and it's harder to find trades :Cry: Blue gets up to 800 Red gets up to 600 Yellow gets around 400-500 So I was hoping you guys could put the yellow server back to the default server when we login, thanks :kiss:
  11. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <t>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server: Yellow <br/> Timezone: GMT+<br/> Trainer Card:[/align]</t>
  12. Kabutops adamant swift swim Lotad modest swift swim
  13. Hi, I was wondering if bagon and Larvitar were easier to find with ms activated Is bagon easier to find at dragons den with ms or is the same encounter as the place in hoenn same goes with larvitar Another question is, what is the most efficient thing to do with the limited time I have with ms ? Thanks !
  14. Your Ingame name: Kristofur Timezone: PST Pokemon's name: Scyther Starting/Finishing level: 86-95 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?:none, doesn't learn anything
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