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Everything posted by Theneuro

  1. hi, how much?
  2. hi, whats is the price? :)
  3. Hi, how much volcarona, * I just ask *
  4. how much rotom modest?
  5. ID Screenshot: https://ibb.co/Jpd41bW Server:Gold estaba eliminando pokes en la pc y creo que sin querer elimine a un eevee xmas, porfavor espero que lo puedan restaurar
  6. SERVER TRANSFER Username: TheNeuro Server to charge the money from: Gold Main Server to transfer: Silver
  7. Hello!!! I would like to buy these pokémons PS: I do not know how to post them so I put the link :P https://image.prntscr.com/image/9pVZ16UoSsWI7pZAX0EpWQ.png https://image.prntscr.com/image/zVWsPErpQfqEY--lHby4HA.png https://image.prntscr.com/image/oAfWPc5JSjmUCY_e2EtBMw.png
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