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Posts posted by Kaminokage

  1. 227 replies for the Exclusive PRO Giveaway - Nintendo Switch, 13 for the PROWIKI :Cry:

    Continue the update Naero and Prehax, it takes a lot of time but it's a very very good job :y:

    It helps a lot the community!



    • I. Introduction
    • II. What is Hidden Power and why should I use it?
    • III. What Pokemon can learn Hidden Power and where can I find it?
    • IV. How works Hidden Power Type?
    • V. Percentage distribution of different variations of Hidden Power
    • VI. The Odd/Even Method
    • VII. Calculator Hidden Power on Excel
    • VIII. References





    I. Introduction



    We often see in chat a lot of people ask « what is HP ? » or want to sell, for example, a PKM HP Fire when it’s not.

    So, this guide has been created for all people: Newbie who want to know what is Hidden Power and regular player who want to chase a PKM with a specific Type for Hidden Power.


    It’s the player diabo123 with his guide who gave me the idea to create this guide. I will try to explain what is Hidden Power, why we should use it, and how to recognize the HP Type of a PKM.


    In this guide, I will use some abbreviation:

    • HP = Hidden Power
    • hp = health points
    • PKM = Pokemon





    II. What is Hidden Power and why should I use it?



    The ingame description of Hidden Power is :



    Hidden Power appears as a ad31080d4eddbe2547f67b5b8f305a67.gif Type move but the actual Type of Hidden power varies with the IVs of the PKM.

    So, Hidden Power Type can be:



    You notice that Hidden Power can’t be ad31080d4eddbe2547f67b5b8f305a67.gif Type or 645bc71cd02a80acb11e67fc4abcc293.gif Type.


    Hidden Power hits in category Special with a Base Power of 60.



    So, why should I use Hidden Power?


    Hidden Power is a very good move to surprise your opponent, indeed, you will have the choice between 16 Type for HP, so your opponent will never know what did you choose. It’s an excellent move for PKM with a poor movepool (Lilligant, Manectric). It can be used for PKM with the Ability Technician, Hidden Power will hit at 60*1,5 = 90 for any Type (Roserade, M. Mime, Persian). Or, to allow a better cover of types: Electric PKM with HP Ice/Grass/Water to hits Ground PKM.

    Hidden Power is often used in PVP, the perfect example is Magnezone with the Ability Magnet Pull: you will trap Steel PKM with Magnet Pull and use HP Fire to hit Steel PKM.





    III. What Pokemon can learn Hidden Power and where can I find it?



    You can find on Bulbapedia what PKM can learn Hidden Power by Leveling up: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hidden_Power_(move)


    By TM, all Pokemon can learn Hidden Power.

    (except: Wobbuffet, Wynaut, Kricketot, Tynamo, Spewpa and Pyuhumuku according to Bulbapedia)


    The TM 60 can be find in Slateport Outdoor Market for $4 000:








    IV. How works Hidden Power Type?



    I will start the mathematics part, it’s really easy, so don’t stop read now :Sleeping:


    To determinate the HP Type, we use the formula:







    It’s a binary system, if the IV hp is equal to 29, it’s an odd number so a = 1, if the IV hp is equal to 28, it’s an even number a = 0. And we do the same with the rest.

    In the end, we truncate the result of this formula and we find a number from 0 to 15. And this value give the HP Type:





    I will take an example to understand in practice:


    I just catch this Magnemite, and I want to know what his HP Type is.




    In first, find the value of a, b, c, d, e and f:








    Now, I have the value of a, b, c, d, e and f, I just have to fill the formula :


    HP Type = floor [ ( a + 2 b + 4 c + 8 d + 16 e + 32 f ) * 15/63 ]

    HP Type = floor [ ( 1 + 2 * 0 + 4 * 0 + 8 * 0 + 16 * 1 + 32 * 1 ) * 15/63 ]

    HP Type = floor [11,67]

    HP Type = 11

    So, I look what is number 11, and it’s Electric. This Magnemite is HP Electric.


    In practice, to know what is your HP Type, you can use a calculator find on google : https://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php

    You will see a Base Power for Hidden Power given by the calculator, in previous generation, the Type was determinate by the IVs with a Mod 4 in the formula. In PRO, it fixes to 60, so you don’t need it.

    Or use the Calculator i made : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php




    V. Percentage distribution of different variations of Hidden Power



    Now, you know what Hidden Power is and how recognize the HP Type, you want to chase a PKM with a Specific Type. But stop! You have to know some probabilities before spend some hours of farm.

    I can link you Bulbapedia with his Percentage distribution, but this one is wrong for PRO. Indeed, for official game, the IVs are from 0 to 31, in PRO, the IVs are from 1 to 31. It means the distribution odd-even is not equitable. So, the percentage distribution will not be the same.


    How can I calculate that?

    It’s easy, there are 2^6 = 64 different combination of HP Type, for each, I just have to calculate the probability and affect it to the Type:







    To resume the percentage distribution of different variations of Hidden Power :




    This distribution means that if you want to chase Magnemite HP Fire, you will catch only 6,04% of HP Fire when you will look in PC.

    Or, before you chase Bulbasaur H.A. HP Fire, you had to know that H.A. is only 5% and HP Fire is 6,04%, so only 0,3% of Bulbasaur will be H.A. HP Fire :devil:





    VI. The Odd/Even Method



    This part of the guide has one goal : make you gain time when you check your PKM.

    For each Type, I will explain a method to recognize it. No need to learn all in practice, you will learn only the method for the HP Type you want. But, this methods are not perfect, so i make a note for each:


    • Method note: Good => This method can be used easy.
    • Method note: Moderate => This method can be used but it's harder.
    • Method note: Bad => This method need to use a calculator after.


    By the way, if you find a better method than the one i post, you can tell me. I am only human after all, i can need so help :)



    Before anything, I will take an example to explain how it works.


    Imagine I just catch 450 Magnemite (I did it in practice so it happens :p), I want to see what Magnemite are HP Fire. But I don’t want to enter all IVs in the calculator, what should I do? I will learn only this:

    ATK + DEF = odd

    SPD = even

    SPATK = even

    SPDEF = odd

    hp = any



    How to use it?


    I will look 2 Magnemite :



    ATK + DEF= 8 + 29 = 37 = odd => Ok

    SPD = 24 = even => Ok

    SPATK = 18 = even => Ok

    SPDEF = 3 = odd => Ok

    hp = 27 => Ok


    So this Magnemite is HP Fire, it takes 3 seconds with only head.



    And my other Magnemite :


    ATK + DEF = 8 + 20 = 28 = not odd => Not HP Fire.

    It takes less than 1 second.


    So with the Odd/Even method, in 3 seconds, you will see for a PKM if he is HP Fire or not :y:



    It's nice but it's for a good method, why should i use a bad method?


    Even if a bad method is not perfect because you will have to use a Calculator, this method will reduce the number of PKM you will check. Imagine i want a PKM HP Dragon and i just catch 200 of this PKM, i don't want to check all. So, with the bad method, i will saw 8 combinations on the 64 combinations that can be HP Dragon. I will know that the 56 others combinations can't be HP Dragon so i can release this others combinations. 56/64 means 87,5% of PKM, so i only need to check 12,5% ! So, for 200, i need to check only 25 PKM in average, not 200.





    Hidden Power

    d56dbea120a0d5ebcb06e94c3a505b05.gif :



    To learn :

    • DEF / SPD / SPATK / SPDEF = all even
    • ATK = any
    • hp = any


    And another case :

    • ATK / SPD / SPATK / SPDEF / hp = all even
    • DEF = odd


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    97dbed090c0da91c0efc3bf7d511b40f.gif :



    To learn :

    • DEF + SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = even


    After, you have to use a Calculator : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php


    Method note: Bad



    Hidden Power

    cb65c56df850ef0981399ff1205649d6.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = even
    • ATK / DEF / hp = One have to be Odd, the two others have to be Even


    And another case :

    • ATK = odd
    • DEF = even
    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = odd


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    636f8bfe7963f6658097f6505d53e924.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD + SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even


    After, you have to use a Calculator : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php


    Method note: Bad



    Hidden Power

    22651f91c65e8f5b67b61da449105a7b.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • ATK / DEF / hp = One have to be Odd, the two others have to be Even


    And another case :

    • ATK = odd
    • DEF = even
    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = odd


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    4cea811cd30ac184b045a26e584e6b22.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK + DEF = even
    • DEF + SPD = odd
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = any


    And another case :

    • ATK = even
    • DEF = odd
    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = odd


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    b2ad6da4ccf34a6e427df6ffe9f04208.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK + DEF = odd
    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = any


    Method note: Good



    Hidden Power

    c6b10cf7cd0bb94a3a5007cc2af572f2.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK / DEF / SPD / SPATK = all even
    • SPDEF = odd
    • hp = any


    And To learn :

    • ATK / DEF / SPD / SPATK = all odd
    • SPDEF = even
    • hp = any


    Method note: Good



    Hidden Power

    dd68bcf3d4ab7a264dc1df80d0a9077a.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK + DEF = odd
    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = odd
    • hp = any


    Method note: Good



    Hidden Power

    069ab720e115ffe0710d7dc8cf290ec8.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK + SPD = odd
    • DEF + SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = odd
    • hp = any


    Method note: Good



    Hidden Power

    808d2924f2b1f9c55c1284d846ba44b1.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = odd
    • ATK + DEF = odd
    • hp = any


    And another case :

    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = even
    • SPDEF = odd
    • ATK / DEF = all odd
    • hp = even


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    586f11e688975cf02da01b35e7f4ec81.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPDEF = odd
    • DEF + SPATK = odd
    • SPD + SPATK = odd


    After, you have to use a Calculator : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php


    Method note: Bad



    Hidden Power

    6a3d3b750feacbde7c0a794a631e9a68.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = odd
    • ATK = odd
    • DEF + hp = odd


    And To learn :

    • SPD = even
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = odd
    • ATK = even
    • DEF = odd
    • Hp = any


    Method note: Moderate



    Hidden Power

    3919b69e99009aa9e961968bac07e4e8.gif :



    To learn :

    • DEF + SPD = odd
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = odd


    After, you have to use a Calculator : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php


    Method note: Bad



    Hidden Power

    437d4e27bc787988d80fef30d175a059.gif :



    To learn :

    • SPD = odd
    • SPATK = odd
    • SPDEF = odd


    After, you have to use a Calculator : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php


    Method note: Bad



    Hidden Power

    3a2f7f7ff7691e3364f38774a3b8ccdc.gif :



    To learn :

    • ATK / DEF / SPD / SPATK / SPDEF / hp = all odd


    Method note: Good





    VII. Calculator Hidden Power on Excel



    I share the Excel i use for Hidden Power. When i chase a PKM with different HP Type possible, i prefer use Excel than an Internet Calculator.

    You can download it with this link:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9bbnaqobwa89kc/CALCULATOR HIDDEN POWER.xlsx?dl=0

    In the right top, you can click on download. If something is wrong with the Excel or the uploader, tell me.


    To use it, just fill cells with the IVs, my excel gives you the TOTAL 6 IVs and the Hidden Power Type:






    VIII. References



    Diabo123’s guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/52838-url/

    Bulbapedia Hidden Power (Move) : https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hidden_Power_(move)

    Bulbapedia Hidden Power (Calculation) : https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hidden_Power_(move)/Calculation

    HP Type Calculator : https://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php

    HP Type Calculator by Kaminokage : http://fsogame.free.fr/tools/calchptype.php





    Thanks you for reading, if you see some errors or want to add something to this post, don't hesitate to contact me :)


    And sorry for my english, it's not my native language :(

    • Like 2
  3. 366198Making it cheaper or for free would be just stupid

    If i have choose between 5k for 20min or 40k for 2h, my choose is quick : 5k for 20min.

    2h of safari is actually 30k, so for the fact i stay on Safari, it costs me 10k more :Bored:

    Maybe i lose some time between 2 Safari session, but how long is that time i lost? Maybe 3min between 2 sessions? (if i am slow) So for 2 hours: 3*6 => 18min lost for 10k.

    It seems to be a lot 10k for 18min, add the fact i can have disconnect during this time. The choose should be quick for me.


    I understand your point about limited area for bots make it harder to be use. But for a weekly pass or daily pass, bots have just to disconnect and come back later when the GM is gone :boot:


    Edit: I admit your point about "2 hours should cost 33k", it makes my "time lost" between 2 sessions at 3k for 2 hours, it seems correct. If i am not disconnect x) actually, i don't see a lot of crashs servers, but few months ago it happened a lot :confused:

  4. 366057 5k per run is fine, why does it need changed?
    I don't think it need to be change, but a change can't be bad either.


    When people want to chase a PKM in Safari (Bulbasaur for example), they will have to choose between 20min or few hours. Actually, people pay 5k by 5k and back Pokecenter to see the Pokemon, and when they find a good Bulbasaur they stop chasing. With a few hours pass, people can't go back to Pokecenter, so don't see what they caught, they will lose time to continue the chase when they already have a good Bulbasaur, so it's a cost too because time is money. And, they take the risk to have to quit Safari for different reason (disconnect from your internet, from the server, have to go because of irl,..). So, it stays Money sink, but you can have a choose: taking the risk or not.

    For me, a pass for few hours could be nice too, normal player could use it easy (having a bot change nothing).


    But a weekly pass for Safari is not a good idea, for me, it would advantage only bots. Some people can farm 8 hours per days, so it's normal if they have advantage on it, but it's a limited number of players.


    By the way, the weekly transit pass is not the same pass that Safari pass :

    - Bots can't take directly an advantage on it.

    - It helps a lot the trade ! PRO is based on trade between players. This pass help a lot the small trade and news players. I see it on practice, before this pass for a trade at 10-20k i didn't move from a region to an other, now i do.

    It's why a weekly pass for Safari is not the same than a weekly transit pass. And it's why i think just a few hours pass could be the best for Safari :Grin:

    (If this Pass cost less than the actual Pass, what is the point to pay a higher price for same time?)

  5. Hello,


    I saw on the Game Rules :

    2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.

    So, does that mean i can have 4 accounts on the same server? 2 accounts on one email address and 2 others accounts on an other email address. The all 4 on the same server (for example Yellow for me :p).


    Thanks you in advance,


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