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Posts posted by Kaminokage

  1. After we speak, i spoke again to the Explorer.

    The first time i spoke to him:

    "Hi there! Do you have misbehaving dig spots in Kanto?" Yes

    "Aww shucks. Ok, let me contact my friends..."

    And he stopped to speak.


    So, i tried again, and he adds:

    "Hmm... Looks like none were broken..."


    So, i look at the dig spot, nothing seems to change :/

  2. Very interesting discover here Prehax :y:


    It seems PRO has a pre-determined pattern for shiny :p Like in G2 with the IVs, on Bulbapedia: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shiny_Pok%C3%A9mon

    In Generation II, Shininess is determined by the IVs of a Pokémon. If a Pokémon's Speed, Defense, and Special IVs are all 10, and its Attack IV is 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15, it will be Shiny.


    It changes in G3, Shiny depends on Trainer ID and Pokemon ID :

    In Generation III, most of the data structures were completely overhauled. Starting from this generation, a Pokémon's Shininess is no longer linked to any of its other stats. Instead, Shininess is determined by a calculation involving the Original Trainer's ID number and secret ID number, as well as the Pokémon's personality value.


    The exact calculation is (TrainerID xor SecretID) xor (PersonalityValue31..16 xor PersonalityValue15..0), where the latter two values represent the highest and lowest 16 bits of the 32-bit personality value respectively; more detailed information can be found at the personality value article.


    The above formula can result in a number from 0 to 65535. If the result is less than 8, then the Pokémon is Shiny. This gives an overall probability of 8/65536 or 1/8192, exactly the same as in Generation II.

    It's different here, you notice different Trainer ID. But the same Nature. And exactly same IVs.


    The very interesting fact is : the combination of IVs : 22 - 28 - 30 - 22 - 06 - 28. Every combination of IVs has 1 chance of 887 503 681 (31^6) to be find. In Yellow Server, the Pokemon ID are around 8 200 000, we are so far of the 887 503 681. So the probability of having the same IVs exactly on 3 Pokemon is very very low :Ambivalent:


    I don't think the rarity tiers of this Pokemon will influence the Shiny :


    I don't know the exact figures since I have no control over the spawns, but one thing for sure is that if you were to encounter a Caterpie, you have a chance for it to be pink. First the species, then the colour. Making rare Pokemon unavailable wouldn't make sense, would it? As such, yes are obtainable, just rarer than their standard coloured counterparts.

    It seems the species of Pokemon is determinate before then the shiny sprite, so the rarity tiers shouldn't influence.

  3. It's normal it tooks time to find :Smile:


    I spoke to "Explorer" in Vermilion City PC and i went check on the dig spot :



    The dig spot didn't reset, i did the others 2 days ago.

    Maybe it works but i have to wait 4 days before reset :/


    And the explorer say me :


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