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Everything posted by Kaminokage

  1. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 09 MAR 2017 <r>Update 09 March 2017 2nd:<br/> - Update Style for Untrained. I think it should be easier to read <E>:y:</E><br/> - Add Tentacool.<br/> - Add Tentacruel.<br/> <br/> Corphish sold :p</r>
  2. It's nice but... call me when you find a Magnemite with this IVs in PRO :') What should i do when i catch 450 Magnemite Modest Magnet Pull ? (I did it so 450 is not just a random number :p). I enter all the IVs in the Calculator in net? It takes a lot of time. The 4 combinaisons of IVs by Oldtomato don't help me, it's the better IVs, not the "real" i can find. There are two ways to gain time : - Create an excel that gives me the HP Type (or find one on Internet, maybe it already exists). It's what i did, and i gained a lot of time (i didn't know the even/odd method). - Use the even/odd method given by diabo123 (the faster method). How to use it? I take an example : Attack+Def = 8 + 29 = 37 = odd => Ok Speed = 24 = even => Ok Sp.atk = 18 = even => Ok Sp.def = 3 = odd => Ok Hp = 27 => Ok So this Magnemite is HP Fire, it takes 3 seconds with only head ;) An other example : Attack+Def = 8 + 20 = 28 = not odd => Not HP Fire. It takes less than 1 second. So, you just have to learn : Attack+Def= odd Speed = even Sp.atk = even Sp.def = odd Hp: X (any is ok) And you will gain a lot of time. Not need Calculator.
  3. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 09 MAR 2017 <r>Update 09 March 2017 :<br/> - Add Bronzor ;<br/> - Add Corphish ;<br/> - Add 4* Cubone ;<br/> - Add 2* Machop ;<br/> - Add 6* Magnemite ;<br/> - Add 3* Slowpoke ;<br/> - Add Tangela.<br/> <br/> I am storing my box, a lot of pokemon are coming, it just takes time, a lot of time <E>:Cry:</E><br/> And i will change the style of my post to be easier to read <E>:Light:</E></r>
  4. Re: WTS EPIC BLISSEY - GYARADOS - WEEZING <r>Up <E>:y:</E></r>
  5. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 07 MAR 2017 <r><QUOTE author="gatorboy22"><s> </e></QUOTE> I contact you in pm to give you when i will be available to trade <E>:y:</E></r>
  6. I don't want to be trash, but i will be. It's not because you didn't understand his calculation that means his method doesn't have proof. I admit his explanations are not the best, but there are right. His method works at 100%, it's just math x) I add that representing every number in the binary system is a very good idea. I use his method now to know if a pokemon is HP Fire or not, and it's very quick, i just see the pokemon and i know :Smile: faster than just open the calculator :y:
  7. I use keyboard shortcut to play with one hand and i do something else with the other, watch a movies/tv shows/streams most of the time :3
  8. Re: WTS EPIC AZUMARILL - BLISSEY - GYARADOS - WEEZING <t>Azumarill sold :)</t>
  9. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 01 MAR 2017 <t>Update 07 March 2017 :<br/> - Update Stock of Natus.</t>
  10. Re: WTS EPIC AZUMARILL - GYARADOS - MACHAMP - WEEZING <t>Machamp sold, i add Blissey.</t>
  11. Re: WTS EPIC AZUMARILL - GYARADOS - MACHAMP - WEEZING <t>Azumarill sold, but i have an other to trade, i edited it x)</t>
  12. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 01 MAR 2017 <r>UP <E>:y:</E></r>
  14. Thank you for your answer, i will wait so x)
  15. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 01 MAR 2017 <t>Yes, you might buy it :D i contact you in pm :p</t>
  16. End of this topic :Grin:
  17. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 01 MAR 2017 <t>Update 1 MAR 2017 :<br/> - Add Azumarill ;<br/> - Add Azumarill ;<br/> - Add Blissey ;<br/> - Add Gyarados ;<br/> - Add Gyarados ;<br/> - Add Machamp ;<br/> - Add Weezing ;<br/> - Clean the rest of shop.</t>
  18. Up :y:
  19. Bonjour jojowave, Les personnes sur le forum parlent en anglais uniquement, seuls les quelques français pourront te répondre; et le staff n'en fait pas partie (du moins j'ai pas encore vu de membre du staff parler français x) ). Néanmoins, le bug du sac est un bug connu et récurent. Je dois l'avoir une fois par jour quasiment --' La seule solution est d'attendre, et oui, il faut ne rien toucher et attendre, parfois ça mets 20 secondes à revenir, parfois 5 minutes. Si tu as fermé ton client, le shiny est perdu :/ (de toute façon, les shinys n'ont aucune valeur de commerce :p) Tu ne pourras pas récupérer le pokémon car tu ne l'as jamais capturé :/ PS: Tu ne parles pas anglais, mais ton français est horrible à lire aussi >.< Cordialement, Kaminokage
  20. ça me donne envie de vomir ton shop Vithu <3
  21. Can we have the exact number of route 120 too? Not only percentage. I want to uses your number later :p
  22. Oh i win the chansey, the one i wanted <3 Thank you :y:
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