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Posts posted by Klohver

  1. Re: Shiny Jigglypuff


    <r><QUOTE author="Kibitz" post_id="415107" time="1500739228" user_id="744656"><s>





    Your two topics were merged. You may want to change the title to accurately reflect what you are selling. You are allowed to sell up to five pokemon per topic and have one open active topic within a five day time frame.</r>

  2. Bro as it is more then 3 pokes make it personal shop


    My bad, the rule said 5 or more pokemon but when I think of shop I think of serveral kinds of pokemon and I made

    the topic here since it's only one kind.


    @Community Managers Feel free to move the topic.


    You may sell UP TO FIVE POKEMON in this thread, any more and it will be moved to shops. The previous comment was deleted for unnecessary commenting on trades.

  3. Re: WTB good iv/nature/ability abra/kadabra or machop!


    <r><QUOTE author="Huyzus" post_id="404166" time="1498841867" user_id="1710827"><s>


    Hi guys!<br/>


    As you can see from the title, I am looking to buy a good iv and nature/ability for abra/kadabra or a machop.<br/>


    for the abra /kadabra, i would like at least 25+ in spd and spatk, with timid nature and preferably magic guard ability, but not required.<br/>


    for the machop/machoke, i would like adamant nature with no guard ability and good iv's for atk, def, spdef and hp <br/>


    Please post them below, or pm me in game. my username is Huyzus<br/>


    Thanks :)



    Your topics were merged. You may have one active topic here per 5 days.</r>

  4. Re: h.a marill


    <r><QUOTE author="RickeyAttack" post_id="390712" time="1495952938" user_id="1624142"><s>





    Hello! All of your topics were merged. You may sell up to five pokemon in one topic and have one topic active in this sub-forum per five days.</r>

  5. Re: Sell epic Tyranitar 20+SOLD


    <r><QUOTE author="Leoxa" post_id="387464" time="1495144071" user_id="72704"><s>





    You had more than one active topic in one sub forum, these topics were merged. You may want to update the title to accurately show what you are selling. Remember you can have one active topic per sub forum, you can sell more than one Pokémon in a topic, and a topic will be open for 5 days with no activity.</r>

  6. 370906 raded for charizard shiny mount in game


    You can sell or trade more than one thing on a topic. You are allowed 1 active topic per 5 days in this subforum. You can always edit the topic if you sold or traded the item/pokemon. I merged your posts, feel free to make any adjustments to accurately convey what you are selling to improve results. Thanks, hope you enjoy your time in PRO! :y:

  7. Hi,

    i wts this conkeldurr:


    Bo start: 1m5.

    Bo end: 48h after the starting.



    Remember that this is PG environment and do not include any form of cursing, even abbreviations, in your public chats. The censored word will be removed from the topic. Thank you have a nice day!

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