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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Requilem of Victories Poke shop!! Currently selling tyranitar <t>i insta the Tyranitar if its not sold</t>
  2. Re: Requilem of Victories Poke shop!! Add new pokemons and price updated <t>start on Tyranitar</t>
  3. soo i need: Pawniard/Bisharp Defiant Jolly/Adamant Frillish/Jellicent Water Absorb Bold Porygon2 Trace Calm Klefki Prankster Calm Dragalge Adaptability Modest Staraptor Reckless Adamant/Jolly either EV trained or clean EV's lvl doesnt matter it would be easier for me if i could pay in Coins (100c=650k) but if needed i can get the Pokedollars aswell i just need a little bit more time for that. post here pm me or message me ingame thx
  4. Re: WTS epic Tentacruel <t>i insta it</t>
  5. Your Ingame name: AshSama24 Timezone: CET Pokemon's name: Shellos def 252 spdef 13 HP 245 Starting/Finishing level: 58-100 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: keep Recover
  7. I buy the conkeldurr and cloyster
  8. Re: SELLING RARE EPIC IVS CRAWDAUNT <t>I offer 1.5m</t>
  9. i wanna buy: Pawniard / Bisharp Adamant Defiant Foongus / Amoonguss Bold Regenerator Corphish / Crawdaunt Adamant Adaptability Deino / Zweilous / Hydreigon Timid Meditite / Medicham Adamant Pure Power Lotad / Lombre / Ludicolo Modest Swift Swin Larvitar/Tyranitar Relaxed Sand Stream post here or pm me ingame thx
  10. is the server down right now or am i the only one?
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