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Everything posted by Marcylene

  1. Try installing with a different Explorer (check out Astro File Explorer) :Grin:
  2. I know, don't worry :) The problem with Apple is that their devices only have 1Gb RAM as maximum and the way they manage the memory is horrible. They're different.
  3. It works on her mobile phone because she's got a ROM that allows more than 512Mb to be allocated in RAM. Look at the original post and see the requirements, there's a step alluding to this fact. Greetings! :Shy:
  4. LOL, but it has nothing to do with it, I've learnt about mobile devices (Android) myself. You don't need to be engineer for inquire deeply with Google :devil: This is one of my favorite pages for playing with my devices: XDA Developers Don't forget to make always back ups of your personal and important data! :Shy:
  5. Of course, always when you have +768Mb free and your ROM allows +512Mb of space per app to allocate in RAM :Smile:
  6. You have a great phone indeed. But you could exploit it much more! :devil:
  7. It's definetly not safe. It's a complicated process that requires time and patience. Each device has a unique method to ROOT -> CWM/TWRP -> new Kernel/ROM. I suggest you to read XDA Developers, a nice page to know your phone and customize it. Never forget to make a back up of your important data. I no longer can help you because I don't own a Samsung Galaxy S5, sorry. Hope you investigate and find a solution for your problem :Grin:
  8. Thank you! :Grin: As I've written in point 5, you need to flash another ROM because the one that you both are using won't allow to run PRO due to allocation problems. Specifically your Android ROM does not allow more than 512Mb per app and this game requires much more! The solution is FLASHING another one.
  9. Then you don't need it, Lollipop already uses ART library. The problem will probably be that your ROM does not allow more than 512Mb of RAM to be allocated.
  10. Do you have Android KitKat 4.4.x ? :Grin:
  11. Welcome DoctorDraX, hope you'll enjoy this game! :Smile:
  12. Welcome you two to PRO, hope you enjoy the game :Smile:
  13. Try with Astro File Explorer, it seems to solve it in most of cases: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.metago.astro
  14. Can't you update your Android version? :Grin:
  15. Nice suggestion, I was gonna make a topic for this too :Grin:
  16. For sure: B. Imagine spring-summer... Holidays. In a lonely island with a coconut and sunbathing your skin above your Lapras hard shield. You'd need classic music to relax and forget about your back pain! Now here is my random question: Why the Caterpie cross the road? [glow=red]A)[/glow] It felt like being run over by a truck [glow=red]B)[/glow] It was looking for love/predators [glow=red]C)[/glow] It was just hungry and wanted some potatos [glow=red]D)[/glow] Just for evolving to Metapod and start dominating the world Hardening all the trainers that want to level a freaking Tackle-Harden Metapod because it's "epic" and evolving at level 99->100 to Butterfree to be surprised with a magnificient server rollback and keeping a level 100 Metapod forever A legend I heard :Smile: or not... :Shocked:
  17. If you like mind-blowing story lines and zombies, check out Pokemon Snakewood.
  18. The best GBA hack I've played is Pokemon Light Platinum. It's currently being developed by Mikelan98 (a guy from my country) for Nintendo DS. It is the best NDS Pokemon hack so far... You can try it by visiting his webpage :Smile:
  19. What's twilight? Samsung staff? Tell me and i'll update original post :Smile: Which version were you running, 5.0? It seems to be very problematic because it does not let more than 480Mb to be allocated in RAM per app. Which is exactly your problem? :Angel:
  20. Try a different file manager to install the apk then, try a few ones! Tell me later
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