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About Pinkow

  • Birthday 07/24/1994

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  1. Hello, want to buy specific IV combinations, will pay a ton if event form or shiny, can be base untrained or evo fully trained. Can PM me on Discord : pinkow. - PRIORITY N°1 : XMAS/Shiny Charmander (or evo) Jolly/Timid pvpable - PRIORITY N°2 : HLW/Shiny Magikarp (or evo) Jolly pvpable - Timid Flame Body Larvesta 31 Speed, 29+ SpA, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) // Currently have 31 Spe /29 SpA /19 HP /14 Def / 23 SpD looking for better one - Timid and Jolly Blaze Charmander 31 Speed, 29+ Atk or SpA, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Timid Serene Grace Togepi 31 Speed, 29+ SpA, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Adamant Guts (Sand Stream) Larvitar 31 Atk, 29+ Speed, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Adamant Marvel Scale (Multiscale) Dratini 31 Atk, 29+ Speed, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Timid Snow Warning Vulpix-Alola 31 Speed, 20+ SpA and HP/Def/SpD (one of the 4 can be 15+) - Bold Rotom(-Wash) HP/Def/SpD 25+ (one of the 3 can be 20+), Speed 25+ and SpA 20+ - Timid Deino 31 Speed, 29+ SpA, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Jolly Rough Skin Gible 31 Speed, 29+ Atk, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Jolly Sheer Force (Moxie) Bagon 31 Speed, 29+ Atk, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+) - Jolly Sand Rush / Mold Breaker Drillbur 31 Speed, 29+ Atk, 20+ HP/Def/SpD (one of the 3 can be 15+)
  2. Bump
  3. Eveything is sold thx
  4. .
  5. UPDATED : 21/04/24
  6. UPDATED : 19/04/24
  7. Everything sold, thanks everyone
  8. Mega Rayquaza !!
  9. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server: BLUE<br/> Timezone: GMT+1<br/> Trainer Card:<br/> <URL url="https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=686387Capturepokemonrevocard.png"><s></s><IMG src="https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/686387Capturepokemonrevocard.png"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL><br/> Imgur Album : sent by MP at Daeon[/align]</r>
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