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Everything posted by Frux

  1. Re: wts epic iv shiny rhyhorn <t>280k</t>
  2. Welcome to PRO just remember it's still on BETA, some aspects of the game might not work/available as you expected.. YET!, still have a nice day! :Angel:
  3. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Frux<br/> <br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Dragon types, Breloom coz of its utility moves build for catching pokes <br/> <br/> 3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? Yes, but on this game i just want to enjoy it and if ever get a chance, help PRO last for(4ever) years.<br/> <br/> 4. What made you to join on this journey with us? I'vs noticed you guys are active guild and a high ranking leader on pvp, in which i wish to learn how be like him and soon be my rival. To have friends/companions to play/chat&enjoy with, till the very last breath of this game(hope that wont happen). <br/> <br/> 5. What is your final objective in PRO? Nothing really. Just catching/hunting pokes and also to be ranked on pvp ladder.</t>
  4. If i encounter a gligar holding toxic orb does it already have psn status?
  5. Is Toxic orb still obtainable from gligar on dragons den bf1?
  6. you can buy high level jhoto pokes from players tho around 15k.. im lucky someone gave me free dragonaire(lvl51) and slowbro(lvl40). But i highly recommend to go for standard play, just to have poke evolved count grow on your pokedex(75 evolve poke iguess) coz u need it to get mew.
  7. I would like this game to be put on https://www.kickstarter.com/. Where backers(mostly players) will pledge a fund support to this game based on how enjoying/interesting this game is(It's surely is). I thought of this coz i think this will grab more players, more supporters, faster game development. :Grin: Please visit the site for more info. I was just recommending this site because i witness a game(AQW3d) still on alpha, funded 2x they're needed fund :Shocked: . Now they're on beta. If i ever stepped on anything, Im sorry. I just want to make this game better.
  8. Can't argue w/ that man. Let's just say not all players have the same taste of epic(poke) as yours. Not all players who call epic on a pokemon(but not for others) are liars some of them are newbies, telling it epic coz they think it's hard to get. Best thing to do is just ignore them, rather waste your time questioning they're pokes rarity. P.s. i feel you man.. sometimes players spams epic(e-fake) poke. ex. Epic <azumaril>l(31atkadamant, yet the ability is thick fat). It burns my eyes.
  9. Frux


    I u got Snolax he can learn crunch. I wiped sabrina using belly drum + crunch. murkrow/houndoom can be found at night on route 7.
  10. Welcome aboard mate! :Grin:
  11. Okay if that isn't gonna happen, how bout' adding name on boxes of pc? so we can extract/regroup our pokes, it really helps specially when u sell pokes.
  12. Frux

    server down

    Server is down, been trying to connect to discord but it says "website is down". I dont think staffs/devs treat this as a business(i guess), if that what u mean.
  13. Title says it all. :Cool: I demand(beg) for this update to identify pokemons who I(we) want to pull-out/sell easily from pc. Sorry if this matter already discussed. I was trying to find same as this, yet i haven't seen one. Thank you and Godspeed! :Angel:
  14. I don't know if this has already been talked. Can you link it to me if ever? :Angel: I'll got straight to the point. I would like to suggest to put a confirmation dialogue which an NPC trainer(rebattle) will give to a player if it would like to battle. So, it will not waste our time(pwnin 5 magikarps,etc.)if ever we're in a hurry or just not a good time for an npc rebattle. If it can't be implemented, any good reasons? :Shy: *No Karps are harmed in the making of this post*
  15. isn't it unfair for those who are busy/asleep at that time(like meh :Frown: )? why not conduct two scheduled event?
  16. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [Fletchling, Chimchar ,Turtwig confirmed !!] ✰ <r>My pleasure. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  17. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [Fletchling, Chimchar ,Turtwig confirmed !!] ✰ <r>Top Left Corner of Viridian Maze, Kanto. Headbut tutor 2k <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CYVHy1oUwAATmjg.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  18. thanks for this guide mate! :y:
  19. all stats 01+ is fine.
  20. bo starts after i meet good price.
  21. just revived this guy how much for this?? Omanyte Sassy IV atk 16 def 28 spd 02 sptk 31 spdf 30 hp 31
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