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Everything posted by Frux

  1. This is overkill. Why bother putting some fish-able bat, wooper, and quag, when u can already fish them if they're surf-able. Please remove them or atleast replace. This will just make rare pokes, rarer. :Cry:
  2. Welcome boi :y:
  3. Frux


    There might be a source code from this images, or maybe Illuminati confirmed! :Crazy:
  4. Got bitter sweet relationship with RNG.. I saw/caught more shiny pokes than Pvp viable pokes. :Ambivalent:
  5. Step into PVP? or haven't u already finished the teleport quest on hoenn? . Oh gawd this thread is almost a month now.
  6. new recruits :Angel:
  7. A it should be called a Template :D , Goodwork boi
  8. I think Potato PCs will burn out. Good way to reduce players, unless they can find a way to lessen the ram or memory it takes. Tho im good with this animating sprites. [glow=green]+1[/glow]
  9. My way is to pin the pro.exe icon into task bar and click it for 4-5 times it launches 2-3 .exe
  10. Tbh, i guess its abusive too, but would be enough if somehow they could add some item/cash rewards after the poke is healed.
  11. Oh yea, "retail" thats the word. That's what causes the rapid inflation as per my observation. Which is kinda abusive in my opinion. Thanks for the heads up tho :y:
  12. I've noticed so many people whining about ms prices and some end up quitting the game due to failure in accomplishing needed cash to comply for the prices on markets. I've also noticed some people are buying MS in bulks, like "wtb MS 10x 3m" and end up reselling it for higher prices. Thus my proposal is, how about make MS a trade-able only for once. Or twice atleast. Maybe to moderate the inflation? Or atleast lessen the retailers whos i think the reason of rapid inflation of prices. Most people now all cares about profits only. At the moment, i see no problem based on my perspective. I would be pleased to know yours.
  13. How shame of u somes,u didnt include this blue chinchou. : :Cry:
  14. Woah Aug 2015, Welcome aboard boi.
  15. People said worry seed works i wonder if also simplebeam and entertainment(if present) works?
  16. What server btw?
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <r><IMG src="https://images-1.discordapp.net/.eJwNxlEOgyAMANC7cAAKjVb0NgQJmmlLaM0-lt19e1_v455xuc0dZl03gP3UImP3ajJyq76JtKvmfqovckM2y-W4K5tCTIHiHFcKy5LmQDgBIiGmNEXCFTH8Bw-_WN7sOzf3_QEG-yLc.hL-7H7fmkeXuqDFy_J0EysSm7Tg?width=400&height=267"><s></e></IMG></r>
  18. Players has the FULL RIGHT to put HS OWN prices on HIS OWN MS/items. Staff can't and mustn't control that for a player payed for it and the staff has no right to control it nor take it back. If you're not fine with their prices simply don't buy it. But if u really need it, then you gotta buy your own MS perhaps.
  19. I think its just a minor bug mate, I've been experiencing this multiple times. It sometime shows, Mega salamence, Mega blastoise, and some other megas.
  20. It refers to skiddo which evolves into gogoat, it'll be obtainable now.
  21. Yes, if the abi works
  22. Yea long way, im on 1312 hrs 95% goes to hunting and 5% to region storyline .
  23. Thoughts?, which of them is better? or should i make another one? First time making sigs, need some tips and tricks. Specially, to those cool background, melding with the subject character/image and a matching cool font texts. :confused: Im using Gimp my netbook cant run PS. Also, can someone point me the rules on Signatures here? It'll be greatly appreciated.
  24. Welcome back tho. And dont worry i missed shinies too, 3 of them actually. :Crazy:
  25. Well then, lets end this with.. Zelda.
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