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Everything posted by Lucurryo

  1. Heyho Astra187 Mein Name ist Marcel und ich bin der Leiter der größten deutschen Gilde in Pokemon Revolution Online, allerdings befinden wir uns auf dem BLUE SERVER. Ich möchte hinzufügen, dass der ROTE und BLAUE Server bald zusammengefügt werden. Du / Ihr könnt ja gerne mal bei uns vorbei schauen: NEOSPHERE THREAD <- click me
  2. I know but sadly they are mostly coding evrything what we truely need. Created and bumping this list to "remember" them
  3. 91/100 heutiger Stand, noch sind Plätze frei! :)
  4. Destiny Bound added!
  5. thank you,- sludge is removed from the list now! :) Protean would be nice if working but there are mot important moves atm, thats why it´s rly far down in the list
  6. Agree to Switcheroo and Pursuit! Healing Wish only, when evrything else works, otherwise people push there tanks as skarmory, blissey, ferro back to full. They are all in the List now
  7. done ! :)
  8. Hello PRO Community! My name is Lucurryo, I´m playing since release and reached the PvP ladder almost monthly on yellow server before I switched to the BLUE SERVER. For someone like me, who alrdy cought almost every pvp Pokemon in the game, the only lategame content is PvP and tbh the current PRO PVP is rly unhealthy. With this post I want to introduce a important List with moves, abilitys and specials, that would make the lategame content (PvP) more enjoyable and healthy for everyone! FEEL FREE TO TELL ME IF IM MISSING ANY MOVE/ABILITY,- WILL AD IT TO THE LIST! MOVES Substitude [spoiler=Substitude]One of the most important moves in the game to counter Stall/CC Abilitys like Thunder Wave, Toxic, Burn wich are overused with rocks to stall you to death. Trick & Switcheroo [spoiler=Trick]Also one of the MOST IMPORTANT moves in high elo PvP so outplay ur enemy and stop stall by forcing them to use 1 move only! Also allows Scarf Pokemon to be SUPER USEFULL! Encore [spoiler=Encore]This move allows us to trap/break stall and force the enemy to switch! Pursuit [spoiler=Pursuit]To punish the enemy when switching out. Allows to dmg/kill the dps when the enemy just trys to switch to a tank! Destiny Bound [spoiler=Destiny Bound]Would allow Pokemon like Gengar, Houndoom, Sharpeedo and many more to take an opponend with you Drain Punch [spoiler=Drain Punch]Alot of good Pokemon like Conkeldurr, Toxicroak and many more are missing this move to have at least some power/Sustain in battle U-Turn & Volt Switch [spoiler=U-Turn & Volt Switch!]I guess everyone knows the Problem abaout U-Turn and Volt Switch, one of the most important "outlpaying potencial" pvp move sin the game. 1. Switch AFTER you saw the pokemon is not working 2. U-Turn switches into a random Pokemon 3. Choiceband U-Turn into an enemy roar causes your new pokemon to get locked into 1 move even without Choice Band Trick Room [spoiler=Trick Room]There exist alot of pokemon with the possibility to sweep in Trick Room, would be healthy as well to ad this. Healing Wish [spoiler=Healing Wish]User faints,- 1 other pokemon got all status removed and is restored back to full HP. Great to give ur sweeper a 2nd chance! Pls only code this ,whenn evrything else is done, otherwise its abused by tanks. ABILITYS Mold Breaker [spoiler=Mold Breaker]Allows alot of Pokemon to be a good surprise pick like scarf Excadrill etc. Unburden [spoiler=Unburden]Introducing of Unburden would create some new Stallbreaking Pokemon like Hawlucha and Slurpuff overcoat [spoiler=Overcoat]While Sleep Powder and Leech seed is OVERUSED in PvP, this ability expecialy on Mandibuzz or Chesnaught is badly needed! Analytic [spoiler=Analytic]Your enemy just want to switch into a tank? He need to think twice abaout that, since Analytic would also trigger when the enemy switches and inflict massive dmg to your opponend Protean [spoiler=Protean]Since Gen7 is introduced and Greninja with Protean is not UBER anymore, this would be a gread help for this special sweeper/Setup-Frog ITEMS Choiceband and Scarf fixes [spoiler=Scarf]Choiceband is alrdy explained in the Spoiler above, Scarf requires 1 battle against a wild Pokemon be4 it works in PvP SPECIALS Team Review [spoiler=Team Review !]This is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we need in PRO PVP"! Not beeing able to see tank switches makes Tanks-Switches easy, brainless and Overpowered and some games took you ~30 mins+ ! That´s frustrating as fuck for most of the users and allows "bad players" to be more successful as they should be. Surrender Buttom [spoiler=Surrender Buttom]While the PvP includes tonns of tank there are moments wher eyou know: you fucked up and just want to end the battle...but you CANT! Now you have to wait, untill all of your pokemon are killed by poisen, burn, seismic tosses or low dmg moves... ESC->END is no option, since it punishes you with a 10 min pvp-block Weather Fix [spoiler=Weather Fix]Not that Big of a deal but annoying: The weather is not shown correctly alot of times, expecialy when 2 weather teams are facing each other.
  9. Need technical Support pls Please remove my Black Medalion. I used it to hunt a Pokemon with h.a and alrdy got it. Now im hunting a Tier 9 Pokemon and it would be frustrating to get h.a (dont need h.a) after I found one after 1h of hunting I DONT WANT THE ITEM BACK or REFUNDED Please just DELETE it from my Account now :) Also I suggest a NPC that allow su to disable BMS manualy, . you should not be punished for days after u cought ur h.a Pokemon. Blue Server ign: Lucurryo
  10. Fusion for me, great work with the forum. Kinda missing the 3 big newest posts tho. I know they are in another section and it's more then 3 now but that don't looks "special" anymore I wished u would see the the newest posts when u click on Forum and don't need to search for em first :D
  11. Not tested yet but u definetly got locked into a not used move after Sleep Talk into circle throw, if ur incoming pokemon got Choice Band. Ialso see alot SleepTalk Roar user alrdy, will see how the PRO Team decides. I just tested with my other account, i had a lead random versus a Blastoise Roar, i used move on position 1 and Blastoise used Roar, then i was switched on my second PKM with Band. This second PKM can use all moves. So for Roar and Choice Band, it's not buggued. It's just the case you explained with Sleep talk + Circle throw (maybe Roar too), and Choice Band for your opponent. thanks alot, in that case only Circle Throw is bugged I guess. Should be more easy to choose 1 move for the "bugged and bannable" list. Btw, did Blastoise used roar BEFORE your move? Thats important, the enemy roar/Circle throw user must be faster
  12. This may be the case but this still needs to be banned. Not evry move but the combination of it untill the bug is fixed, since you CAN NOT CHOOSE ur pokemon. It´s a huge advantage for ur enemy if u run Choiceband or Choice Specs
  13. Not tested yet but u definetly got locked into a not used move after Sleep Talk into circle throw, if ur incoming pokemon got Choice Band. Ialso see alot SleepTalk Roar user alrdy, will see how the PRO Team decides.
  14. [glow=red]This needs to be on "Bugged and bannable" as fast as possible![/glow] What happened: • My Donphan vs a Sleeping Poliwrath (rest) • I pressed Rapid Spin (Move Slot 3) against the sleeping Poliwrath to remove rocks. • The Poli was faster so he used Sleeptalk and Circle Throw before me. That´s fine, si nce Sleep talk doenst take the priority of a move chosen. • This Circle Throw made my Donphan Switch to Talonflame. • I could kill it with Brave Bird because I WAS LOCKED into the move at my 3rd slot (U-Turn without even attacking)! This means, because I pressed the 3rd move on Donphan but wasnt able to use it thanks to Circle throw my Talonflame got locke dinto Slot 3 without using any attack! Because of that I request to make Sleep Talk + Enemy Switching-Moves "bugged and bannable" untill it´s fixed
  16. What is Staraptor doing to Skarmory, Doublade, Rhyperior, and Jirachi? What is Azumarill doing to Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Venusaur, Tentacruel, Mew, and Skarmory? The only Pokemon that can even hope to stop Rhyperior is Hippowdon and even that is smacked with Ice Punch or Earthquake. And not every water Pokemon outspeeds Rhyperior. You lost credibility as soon as you said that and for the ones that do outspeed, how are you going to get them in without sacrificing a Pokemon each time. -1 to your post but thank you nonetheless. :y: Are you srs right now? haha WHAT is Rhyperior doing against ANY Water Pokemon with more then 119 SPEED? xD Even 200 Sp.ATK on a GRASS/WATER move are enought to 1HKO it Also u choose Staraptor and name counters to him, same for azu, but what happens if u switch this 2? You: " What is Azumarill doing to Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Venusaur, Tentacruel, Mew!" Staraptor can kill them easly. U wanna say: But there are counters to this Bandet mons but less for Rhyperior? Dude, Rhyperior got counters too aswell lol. If u play it Banded and we can predict EQ then : Flying /leviate types also any faster pokemon can 1 or 2 hko him U request to bann a Rhyperrior because u are winning with it as I saw on youtube? Nope man, this pokemon IS NOT bann worthy,- no way. I saw u playing it and Im playing competetive since emerald. Like Teerav alrdy asked: "Is this a troll?" +1
  17. -1 I´m AGAINST banning this Pokemon, I had it so many times in PvP and it´s easy to play arround it. It´s like evry other bandet Pokemon, it deals tonns of dmg against switches (Azumarill, Staraptor etc do the same?!Hello? xD) but he´s locked , also EVRY water pokemon in the game outspeed this pokemon and 1HKO it. I see absolutly NO reason to bann it.
  18. Heyho :D Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt und dass du mein Video geschaut hast :Angel: Unsere Homepage ist inzwischen auch down und wird für P1 dann neu aufgesetzt, including eine Menge Guides, Tipps & Tricks sowie PvP Guides :) Unsere Threads wurden geschlossen, weil P1 nichts ins PRO Forum darf :Shocked: Kannst ja mal bei uns auf dem Discord vorbei schauen :Crazy:
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