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Everything posted by Fenne

  1. Welome to PRO. I hope you'll enjoy playing here. If you need any help, feel free to check the Guide Board or ask for help in the Help Channel.
  2. Welcome to PRO bro. If you need any help, feel free to check up on the Guide Board on these forums. Also don't be afraid to ask questions in the Help Channel. Hope you'll enjoy it here. For the server, don't worry. There already plans for a new server to be up and running. I would recommend trying the Blue Server for maximum playability when it comes out.
  3. Welcome to PRO man. If you need any help, feel free to look upon the Guide Board or ask for assistance in the Help Channel. Hope you'll enjoy it here.
  4. Welcome to PRO! If you need any assistance, feel free to check the Guide Board. Hope you'll enjoy your time playing!
  5. Fenne


    Nope. Though you can get another Squirtle further in the game in Vermillion. So just continue playing man. Note: Keep in mind, you can only have two accounts. Any more and you'll probably be caught and severely punished
  6. Welcome to PRO! Keep in mind the Guide Board has PLENTY of information that can help you as well as the in-game chat. I hope you'll have a marvelous time with us!
  7. Welcome to PRO! If you need any assistance, remember to check the Guild Board as it has the best information a user need or just ask in the Help Channel. Hope you'll enjoy it here!
  8. Welcome to PRO! If you need any assistance, remember to check the Guild Board as it has the best information a user need. Hope you'll enjoy it here!
  9. Keep in mind this game is in Beta. Any downage of the server should be expected. Though usually it does stay up for a good period, if you cannot access the server, your connection could also be an issue.
  10. Fenne


    They're mounts. You can get many by buying coins with real money and buying the one you want in the Item Mall (Purse on top right.) You can also get one by doing a quest without paying real money, though I recommend you get far in the game and get the bike first.
  11. From the server influx, the server probably didn't handle your verification request properly. Try communicating with the server via IRC or the Official Discord or contacting Shane personally. They can probably help you with the verification process.
  12. Please confirm that its not in your junk folder. If not, try contacting the staff members *Priority on the Administators
  13. Forced log outs sometimes happens. Usually relates to the server crashing, but it some cases, you can be logged out forcibly without the server actually crashing. I don't think there an actual solution to this, but I recommend the wait of the new Blue Server which will minimize this issue possibly.
  14. Try to see if there was any other pokemon that probably had the item being held (could have possibly roll-backed to another Pokemon.) If not, post a thread here as the FAQ states.
  15. The Team Rocket Elevator is a bit wonky when it comes to going inside. Try going up to it and hold the up button until you succesfully enter it. Have done it multiple times and it usually work.
  16. I think purchases that are bought from the Item Mall are permanent and final. You can possibly try posting a thread relating to your issue in theGeneral Complaints Board, but I dunno if your issue will be resolved. I do wish you luck in getting what you wanted.
  17. I can apologize for you that it's a bit sad that you got through all four and disconnected before fighting Gary, though you are going to have to re-fight the Elite 4 again. There also the case of resetting the timer. We can't do so for you if we don't do it for anyone else.
  18. I still put my foot down on this. Yes, its horrible that the name you wish to use is taken, but like always, if the user picks the name you wanted, the staff can't do much and probably won't. Sorry
  19. Hello and welcome to PRO Forums! Always know if you are need of any help, check the Guide Board or feel free to post in the Support Board. Hope your month of PRO gameplay was the best and may it continue! :Shy:
  20. Welcome to PRO! Keep in mind the Guide Board got any information that can help you on your journey in-game! If you need any help, that would be the best place to go or asking in the Help Channel as well. Hope you'll continue to enjoy this game!
  21. Sadly, in my opinion, I don't think its planned that PRO will ever delete accounts under any circumstances to avoid trouble between the staff and the user with his inactive account being deleted.
  22. Welcome to PRO! If you need any assistance, check in with the Guide Board or even the Official Discord. Hope you'll enjoy it here.
  23. Welcome to PRO! Hope you'll enjoy it here. If you need any assistance, please check with the Guide Board. It got a lot of helpful information for any user who plays PRO. See ya around!
  24. Welcome to PRO! If you need any assistance, remember to read up on guides in the Guide Board. Also feel free to ask in the official channels. Hope you'll enjoy it here.,
  25. Fenne


    Heh, don't worry. The Eevee isn't a visual item. Just go to the scientist and he'll still take the said Eevee from you to get in at the Casino.
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