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Posts posted by Fenne

  1. Your point is understandable, yet there are shortcuts (in most places) to avoid many trainer battles and even so, its recommended to battle trainers many times seeing they are a way to gain EXP and Poke. I guess the developers wanted it to be like that probably to make the fighting process faster and even so, if you beat them, there shouldn't be an issue to just destroy them again :Shy:


    Oh, and this is just my opinion. Dunno if the developers perhaps wanted this to be the case.

  2. 102654
    102500 Would mind joining this guild. I go by "Fenne" in-game and also dabbled into Pokemon MMOs and the official games through emulators.

    sure thing, what time are you usually online?


    Mostly any time I can possibly train my pokemon. Probably will stay on till MIdnight in EST time to get in contact with you?

  3. To be honest, with or without this limit, it wouldn't matter at all. Unless they can find a way to track people multi-accounting via Hardware Identification (unless they are currently using that as a way to catch people), nothing will ever stop people from making new accounts.


    With new technology, new exploits and new ways slip through detection and people will just make new accounts and continuously break this specific rule. (Ex: Changing HWID, Proxies, and other unorthodox ways.)


    Hell even another game called osu! has this specific rule of having only just ONE ACCOUNT to play the game and prohibits making any more accounts, but people still break that rule and some are still not even caught even with the HWID/IP/proxy detection

  4. I can understand the server is under BETA and it need currency to continue its running, but can we make our purchases worthwhile when relating to XP Boosts that are bought and even membership?


    What do I mean? Making it based on time spent online rather then days that going by and by?


    How it would help? Obviously it would make people not waste more money to get some time to bother to train their Pokemon without the knowing they wasted their money by either getting disconnected and knowing they have to struggle beating over 500 people trying to get online also....


    Please, think about the player base when it comes to this, it will make so many players happy to train in mind knowing their money is being thrown in the toilet. I can even understand if membership isn't included, but XP Boost would be appreciated

  5. 58213
    58204 Got some family living in France and some were in Paris. [glow=blue]Praying for them[/glow] [glow=white]and[/glow] [glow=red]the the populace of Paris[/glow] :Shy:


    I'm sorry to hear that, are they okay?


    Yes, I was able to get in contact with them via Twitter. They are fine, though they are still planning on getting out of Paris safely.

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