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Everything posted by Ericgv

  1. Why don't you guys fix what needs to be fixed? I waited a long time to find a shiny and when I do, it explodes? This isn't the first time this has happened. Long before, I had found a Halloween Bulbasaur, I used "False Sweep" on it to capture it and it "Take Down" and killed itself (then you fixed that and changed "Take Down" to "Tackle"). Now this shiny Weezing that took a long time to come, exploded and ruined everything. Why do you wait for an error to happen to fix it? Why don't you guys on the STAFF make real decisions about errors/unforeseen issues in this game that has already flopped and fix them? That was just a question, thank you.
  2. Please, some ADM can put "reset configuration" on PRO game? I need restaure the configs. and i don't know how... Thanks!
  3. Username: Ericgv Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Brazil/GMT -3
  4. Username: Ericgv Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Brazil/GMT -3
  5. Hey, some ADM can help me? Is possible change gender of my pokémon please?
  6. Shiny vulpix H.A offers (got 1m yet).
  7. Problem resolved.
  8. I'm noob xD Thanks for all support.
  9. Hi there, maybe some Mod can help me? I was working on Registeel quest and that's was going good, so, when I meet him on battle, I just killed him with one hit... I just thumbs down LOL. Some Mod can respawn Registeel place for me? Please. I lost to Nikola too, I can not defeat him. Please Mods, respawn Registeel for me please! Thanks for support!
  10. Hi there, maybe some Mod can help me? I was working on Registeel quest and that's was going good, so, when I meet him on battle, I just killed him with one hit... I just thumbs down LOL. Some Mod can respawn Registeel place for me? Please. I lost to Nikola too, I can not defeat him. Please Mods, respawn Registeel for me please! Thanks for support!
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