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Everything posted by Vekien

  1. Re: How to get back to Mauville city without rocksmash or being able to surf? <r><QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="454449" time="1507966528" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s><B><s></s>vekien<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><br/> Don't worry your character is not stuck and you even have two possibility to come back to Petalburg City !<br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> I hope this helped you to go back to Petalburg City <E>:Sing:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Thank you so much, this worked a charm. I spoke to the guy in Petalburg house and he ferry me over and then I spoke to him again to get to Slateport, now I can walk north :)<br/> <br/> I also saw a Pickaxe on the store which I thought might be a possibility, might buy one just incase I get myself into a sticky situation again :)<br/> <br/> Thank you everyone for your responses!</r>
  2. After going to Mauville city and defeating the gym, I some how managed to end up back at Petalburg City. I do not have rocksmash so I cannot go through the tunnels and I also cannot surf yet as I cannot defeat the Petalburg city Gym as "it's locked"... So I'm at a loss as to what to do, all guides show going north after Mauville city but I did not and now I can't seem to get back..... Any help be appreciated as right now I feel I have to restart the entire game over again as my character is broken.
  3. Item gone Hello, looking to sell an MS for 800k. Would need a trading pokemon too unless I grab one soon! Msg in-game: Vekien
  4. Re: Does Pokemon type factor into EXP gains? <t>Ahh okay that explains a lot, thank you very much to both!</t>
  5. Hello, Doing a bit of levelling up I am noticing my EXP gain is very odd, I have 75% boost on, here is an example: I have a Polywraith at level 35: - Patrat 21 vs Poly 35 = 2700 - Delibird 21 vs Poly 35 = 11709 Delibird is giving me a huge amount more EXP, I have noticed this with other pokemon, 24 Swinub giving in the 9k Region, a 24 Delibird giving 15k EXP Is there a reason for the difference? Cheers!
  6. /pm yourname-=-theirname I think its against bot users, not sure about that though..? Cheers, it's good to know command but it isn't clear in game. I think because I'm so used to MMO's where Whisper is not this separate box, it's part of the chat and I can just scroll through the history of the chatbox and either: click their name or do something like ctrl+R to cycle through my whispers. So it's a bit unfamiliar with how PRO does it! I understand the bot thing if that is the case.
  7. Looking from a new user perspective, it would be neat if a little more polish on small things were in the works - When a pokemon dies you can still open Fight menu and its bar is there (can even show 1px green even if you're defeated), maybe make it more obvious its dead. - I couldn't find out how to re-open a conversation window? Someone spoke to me and I accidently closed it. - Theres no description on what the shop items do, Christmas Cracker? What is that? does it give me something? - Theres no info on what MS provides, and without coming to the forum I wouldn't of had any clue it was the medallion. - I didn't even know there was MS until I saw complaints on reddit, make it more obvious? - Some of the starting restrictions should be informed to the user, I didn't know I couldn't trade until after 4 badges, so I couldn't give my SO a medallion from the start. - When you try use an item (eg remove Paralyze) on a pokemon that doesn't need it, it seems like nothing happens until you see chat say like "#NoPara" not user friendly - If you click a tree to headbutt but you don't have the skill, you can't cancel out until you select one and fail - It would be nice if my mount settings were remembered, going into pokemon center to heal, I have to hit 1 every time (hotkey for mount) - When you zone you have to repress movement key, it doesn't continue walking from holding down the key. I'd also say some of the quests are extremely difficult for new comers to the series, but I guess that is the "Pokemon Way", I did spend 1 hour on "Bills Book" before Googling it... and I don't dare to think how long it would have taken me to do the Captains Potion if I hadn't followed a guide.. Just my 2 cents!
  8. Welcome! I am a new player, so I don't have much in the way of "if I could go back". There are some things I'd do a bit differently from what I've experienced over the past week, I am on my way to my 4th badge and here is what I have experienced: - My SO picked Pikachu at the start instead of the 3 basics, I wouldn't advise this. You can easily get one in the next few zones anyway! - I picked Squirtle and Brock was a breeze, with Pikachu its near impossible and you will need to catch other pokemon - Surge's Raichu is a beast, I recommend grabbing a Geodude as soon as you can (you'll see plenty on your way). - There is a great levelling spot to the right of Viridian City, you'll see a lot of players here. You can go from 20-40 here (almost 1 kill a level). DO IT! - Capture as much unique pokemon as possible, you get HM given to you just for capturing a set amount - Look up quests for things like Headbutt, Cut and Flash, they will help you skip a lot of long walks. And finally, I know this is advocating paying, but buying membership and EXP boost will help a lot if you don't have a lot of time on your hands. I have a constant 75% boost right now, and I'll likely keep to that because of RL commitments. All my pokemon would be in 20's if I didn't have this!
  9. Re: How to remove pokemon? <r><QUOTE author="Cadenza"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi Vekien,<br/> <br/> The PC is found in the pokecenter ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> Thank you very much!</r>
  10. Re: How to remove pokemon? <t>Sorry if I sound dumb, wheres the PC? is this like the normal games? I went back to the house and I couldn't use the PC in the bedroom.</t>
  11. Hello, Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find any option and the help chat channel doesn't seem to work so I couldn't ask in there. I have a really crappy pokemon I want to delete, how do I do that? Cheers
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