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Everything posted by Trapped

  1. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <r><QUOTE author="JollyolNathan"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Nah, they aren't off and I don't think the gym NPCs have been changed since testing. As a general rule, the recommended level for a gym has always been (Gym number x 10) + 5. This has been the recommended thing since as long as I can remember :p<br/> Of course it's easier to beat gyms if you have a strategy too. The recommended level is there for the "Newbie" players who have little to no clue to what they're doing xD<br/> <br/> Anywho, thank you very much for the kind words and the recommendations ^^<e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Fair enough. I was just saying that if people (newbies) took the time to get all 6 pokemon to the recommended level, they might get seriously burned out lol. It would really be overkill. Basic knowledge of type advantages is all you really need imo.</r>
  2. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <t>Maybe a bit late to the party, but the recommended levels for gyms were a bit off. Maybe they've been nerfed since this post was made? I beat most gyms with Pokemon that were 10-15 levels below the recommended level. The 8th gym recommended a team of 85+... I beat it with a level 16 Magnemite (Sturdy + Thunder Wave) and a level 62 Charmeleon :P<br/> <br/> Either way, great guide, and I always direct people to it when they need help with story mode.</t>
  3. I'm not quite sure what you mean, but sometimes certain things sparkle to show players they can interact with something, or to point out a route entrance/exit. I think entrances to buildings sparkle too.
  4. Am I not seeing this? Its a Scizor, not a Scyther, which are pink already.
  5. Great info and great graphs. Just a suggestion, but if you're going to make a guide or something similar, it looks better if you don't use "U" instead of "You" for example, and there are many spelling errors (including names of the Pokémon). Maybe English isn't your first language, so if you need help, feel free to ask.
  6. Ok, glad I'm not the only one its happening to. Either way, someone on Yellow server was kind enough to give me a Wynaut with Shadow Tag, so I can continue my Abra sync farming.
  7. According to in-game players and another thread on here that was already locked, a Pokemon with Mean Look is advised for catching Abra in the wild (assuming you don't have anything with Shadow Tag -- which I don't). So I pull out my Haunter with Mean Look, a wild Abra appears. I use Mean Look on it, and it works. Abra uses Teleport and flees the battle. Is this intended?
  8. Been a long time pokémon player, and have been mulling over the idea to play PRO and just now have decided to try it. I do have to ask all you veterans, if you could go back and start all over, what would you do differently that you would advise new players to do? Thanks! :Cool:
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