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Everything posted by Khalni

  1. Please can someone answer this? I need to know ...
  2. Can i upload 6 images of my six pokes during the battle instead of making a video? My internet connection has a 5 Gb cap so i can't upload hundreds of videos
  3. LOL, i spent half an hour looking for codes be4 realizing they weren't out p.q i'll be here tomorrow :)
  4. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Blue Server for me, plz if i win pm me discord :)<br/> thx</t>
  5. i have a proof of an ev service i made for 150k.... finished today... i can't restore that money?
  6. Hi, i gathered 200k to ener dragon club, then i confirmed i wanted to enter but the game crashed... i relogged and found that i was no part of the dragon club but i still lost 200k... Can someone help me?
  7. Start bid 220k insta 500k Selling, bid will start at first offer and end in 3 days-1 week based on the number of offers EDIT: sold ingame to a friend
  8. Re: Articuno's Gift (Wings Of Destiny & Fate Giveaway) <r>Even though i've been in WoD for only two weeks i felt the feeling of friendship that the permeates every message... In other games I saw lots of guilds that were there only to score points and earn bonuses an extra prizes; Wings of Destiny isn't like these guilds, it' more a family than a Guild sometimes... Ok more often than sometimes...<br/> Even if i didn't knew well our founder i'll surely miss her a lot, because she is a very kind, nice and polite person... And because i love articuno <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> <br/> Don't worry Allira, we will continue to keep up the fantastic reputation of this Guilds! And when you will come back, because in Pro and in WoD there is no definitive goodbye, i hope you will find the same feeling i found when I join! <br/> <br/> <br/> By the way, I'll choose number 35, because it is the first number that crossed my mind when writing... <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  9. Re: Wings Of Destiny And Wings Of Fate + Two Guilds On Blue Server + International Multi-Gaming Guild + Recruiting: OPEN <r>Perfect <E>:Grin:</E> Thank you</r>
  10. Re: Wings Of Destiny And Wings Of Fate + Two Guilds On Blue Server + International Multi-Gaming Guild + Recruiting: OPEN <r>Thank you so much... <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> I hope i'll be useful to your, OUR guild! <E>:Grin:</E><br/> <br/> EDIT: the link you provided me doesn't work....</r>
  11. Hi! Italian Player here! After playing lots of different pokemon games i ended up here, and i have to say i really like it! So... HELLO COMMUNITY!!! :Grin:
  12. Re: Wings Of Destiny And Wings Of Fate + Two Guilds On Blue Server + International Multi-Gaming Guild + Recruiting: OPEN <r>Hi <E>:Grin:</E> I want to join please...<br/> <br/> 1. What is your in-game name and current hours of play? Khalni 30 hours<br/> 2. Why do you want to join Wings Of Destiny? Because i need help to start playing more competitive (i'm stating to build a competitive team)<br/> 3. How many badges do you have on blue server? 8<br/> 4. Do you/can you use discord? No, but i will learn :)<br/> 5. What led you to play PRO? Somone wrote something about it in Pokemon Showdown Chat, i was curious<br/> 6. Do you meet all of the requirements as listed on the first page of the thread? Of Course<br/> 7. Why should we want you in the guild? I played a lot in pokemon showdown, so know very well a lots of pokemon (I played principally OU, UU and Battle Spot)<br/> 8. Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? No one recruited me<br/> <br/> Just to be polite, i'm not active every day, it depends a lot on university...<br/> <br/> Thank you all!<br/> <br/> EDIT: I managed to download discord, but i'm having some problems with my connection...<br/> EDIT 2: now using browser version of discord, i'll download the program asap.</r>
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