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Everything posted by Polaco

  1. Name Change Username: Polaco New Username: Fazza Server to charge the money from: Silver
  2. accidentally I was in a hurry and eliminated my pokemon without wanting to, they would be so kind to restore it ID Screenshot: https://ibb.co/ryRJ8cJ Server:[silver]
  3. floazel 100k
  4. already sold
  5. already sold thanks :confused:
  6. sorry do not enter or Pokemon would not take another picture and that image was saved it is that it was to teach a friend
  7. hahahahaha :Crazy: :Smile:
  8. :Cool:
  9. buy 200 coins
  10. buy 200 coins
  11. Re: HT's epic and semi epic house( new added 21-31)12 sold <t>larvitar 400k ,,,,</t>
  12. Re: HT's epic and semi epic house( new added 21-31)12 sold <t>larvitar 120k</t>
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