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Everything posted by Thatmyname

  1. Re: wts 2 beldum <t>500k for first one</t>
  2. Re: Wts Epic Breloom h.a Dragonite h.a and other stuff <t>2m for breloom</t>
  3. Re: WTS Pretty nice pokemons <t>shuckle, i start</t>
  4. Re: wts 2 beldum <t>how long for auction? ?</t>
  5. Re: Wts Epic Breloom h.a Dragonite h.a and other stuff <t>offer 800k for breloom</t>
  6. Oh thank you much, i got it That made me crazy for 2 days. Thank you much
  7. I already beat Moltres 1 month ago, and also done 3 regions. However, the number 146 in my dex is still not seen. Anyone can help me? https://imgur.com/FvIVeaD Thank you
  8. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER + 123 OTHERS PKM - KAMINOKAGE - UPDATE 31 MAR 2017 <t>2.1m kabutops</t>
  9. These pokemon still on sale?
  10. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Metagross/Omastar/Gengar ♦ [Gengar added ~ 3/26/17] <t>start gengar</t>
  11. Re: keko and Caximiro's Shop <t>i buy magnezone 400k</t>
  12. offer 2.1m on gengar 31spd timid
  13. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER + 73 OTHERS PKM - KAMINOKAGE - UPDATE 14 MAR 2017 <t>i buy Weezing 19 20 07 31 26 26 bold</t>
  14. pm me when your online I usually online from 20h in GMT +7 :D. Thank you
  15. i buy phany 31 30 impi
  16. Re: WTS EPIC BLISSEY - GYARADOS - WEEZING <t>offer bliss 1m?</t>
  17. buy lanturm
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