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Everything posted by Dakos

  1. Dakos


    New event? :Bored:
  2. You can but it is better to train its EVS before leveling up to reseve berries. You can, it is good to not evolve a pokemon at a low level, only be careful from errors when you are near 100 lvl. Beating the e4 and the champion give you acces to the next region. The level or the pokemon used is not important only you must win. Cerulean cave is a quest with its requirements. (Beat Lance in Dragon Den/Johto to get acces to the cave).
  3. Use pokemon with <Spore>, It has 100 accuracy to put the target to sleep. <Ultra ball> has a high chance to catch <Abra>.
  4. Is there any one supports to stop Trade and release it from Channels and add it to the events? For example : one or two days per month or in special places or machines with conditions(like trade by giving money). Like at the anime. I think that this raises its value & the value the items & the pokemons also the story. It lowers many problems of spams.
  5. Johto Champion in 4 hrs? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! The power of MMO play kills the Game itself..Regrettable.
  6. Waiting for your post. Good luck.
  7. And this is the story : and my bad starters : :Question: :Question: Any difficult Sinnoh? .
  8. I think between 20-25 hrs may be less.
  9. Yes it is possible. I lost a few time time in somme errors. Also Kanto & Johto digging. The starter that i got are not good. I did the first quest of the Xmas event & the trees part of the second. :thanks: :thanks: Thanks. Yes i will post a screen when i will be a Hoein Champion. I think it costs between 15-20 hours. if i will get a good starter it will be in less time.
  10. :thanks:
  11. Johto champion in less time with help, not a problem?? :etc:
  12. Is there better with no help? :Cool:
  13. Sure? i wait thanks.
  14. Hi! I want against the e4 of Johto before this last reboot. After reboot i have no acces to my account. help pease.
  15. There are aways special or rare cases in a game must be calculated. The suspense.
  16. Yes! But winning or losing against Dragonair is the same. I used a combo between "Seismic toss" & "Sand attack" + 3x"Revive".
  17. An other hero nice. :Cool: can u tell me your secret method?
  18. The history is the same when you defeat Lance at Viridian. Why there is no special reward for the heros? :Angry: .
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