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Everything posted by Jannythegreat

  1. Re: Mitch's Shop - Pvp Ready, Untrained Pokes & 3 HP Fire Magnemites <t>ok ill buy for 100k? mossdeep i cant leave hoenn 2 badges left</t>
  2. i buy im in mossdeep i cant leave hoenn 2 badges left :Smile: :Smile:
  3. Re: Bid for pvp ready aggron <t>yaotaiwon 350k</t>
  4. i buy magikarp lvl 32 male and makuhita lvl 64 male drilbur lvl 11 male :Smile: :Smile: :Smile:
  5. how much for that lvl 5 girly shroomish? :Smile: :Smile: :Smile:
  6. Want To buy I need untrained pokes~epic/good/decent~Right nature and ability/H.A~ *Shinx* *Riolu* *Cleffa* *Aron* *Togepi* *Beldum* *Duskull* *Wynaut* *fletchling* *Shroomish* *Torchic* *Larvitar* *Gible* *Geroseed* *Hippopotas* *snorant* ~pm ingame or here with price and link~Please set the price nicely~Pay well :Grin: :Grin:
  7. Re: Mitch's Shop - Pvp Ready, Untrained Pokes & 3 HP Fire Magnemites <t>aaaaaaaa</t>
  8. Re: Mitch's Shop - Pvp Ready, Untrained Pokes & 3 HP Fire Magnemites <r>ill start gulpin for 50k <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  9. Re: Mitch's Shop - Pvp Ready, Untrained Pokes & 3 HP Fire Magnemites <r>how much for gulpin? then i offer <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  10. Re: J4lord's personal shop (mystic blue member)pvp ready and untrained poke <r>ill buy that seedot 50k <URL url="https://prnt.sc/ejfx74">https://prnt.sc/ejfx74</URL></r>
  11. WTBhoenn pokes *low levels* *epic ivs* *good nature and abi/h.a* *offer ARON or any* *just link the picture* :Smile: :Angel: :Shy:
  12. price check please? then if u want to buy just offer in shiny forum
  13. start bid 500k *EV Trained* *epic* *shiny*
  14. sooooorry forgot im from blue server
  15. thanks sorry i dont know how to posts in forums
  16. [image]file:///C:/Users/GG-Vhin/Pictures/Untitled.png[/image] highest offer wins
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