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Everything posted by Jannythegreat

  1. :Angel: thanks got it :Angel:
  2. Hey I accidentally released magneton holding ms i bought it to renjoe thats why it was holding because i always released pokemon after trading the items :3 u can see here that i didnt use it
  3. ooooh ok :V
  4. I Released the pokemon holding 15d ms :Frown: forgot clicking it before releasing :Frown:
  5. internet problem for sure, it does to me too :V
  6. Np I still have it :Angel:
  7. i have pm me in-game
  8. hey why did u log out? been waiting since, ill resell it if ur not online soon :/
  9. Hello jannythegreat and thank you for your report ! A staff member will look at it when he will be available to modify this NPC, don't worry it's only a little matter of time from now :) Thank you again for your report and we will consider it soon :) :Angel: Np, i just came here to inform :Angel:
  10. idk if its a bug or theres a mistake in here :V but.....
  11. :Angel: B U M P :Angel:
  12. :Angel: B U M P :Angel:
  13. TradedTradedTraded trade for other pvp-able shiny trained/untrained ( decent or trash or whatever doesnt matter ^-^ ) or Offer
  14. uk time = 2:45am here = 9:45am 7hrs :O ill be back in 10am tomorrow so i guess 3:00 there or maybe ill be earlier
  15. Come online please and pm me in-game :/
  16. Time = 3:00am 7/1/17 - 3:am 7/3/17
  17. Time 1:30am 7/1/17 - 1:30am 7/3/17
  18. C.o is 1m but you decline the offer and its not even bidding, btw why did u decline the offer if its a common shiny? and 1m is a very nice deal xD
  19. https://hpics.li/77c1fe6 Here you go the screen Also got offered coins shop items, you still think it's fake? :) hmmm i dont think so but gl anyway ^-^
  20. Current time 8:27am 6/28/17 ends in 8:27am 7/1/17
  21. click the check mark if u want to close it ^-^
  22. Kibitz (Declined) But replaced by Rovinpanget (Training)
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