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Everything posted by Jannythegreat

  1. :Nervous: B U M P :Nervous:
  2. :Bored: UPDATED :Bored:
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------Welcome to my Shop-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E A D ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C U R R E N T L Y - B I D D I NG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T R A I N E D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U N T R A I N E D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S H I N Y :Angel: Hope you got interested in any of this :Angel:
  4. Re: Allaura's Leveling and Daycare Service [OPEN] <t>buy again def hp evs : D</t>
  5. Its value in +450k kk tell me when ur non ot price dropped ^-^
  6. :Angel: ill offer for 150k :Angel: 350k
  7. True and its not even trained :)
  8. Nice :y:
  9. Hi hows bisharp going? did someone offer high, gonna bid it or?? :)
  10. Price for : raptor talon and bisharp or/if gonna bid it then how much for the start?
  11. yuuuuuup :y: cuz we're blocking growlithe's way and he blocks our way :etc: :etc:
  12. Yup, just waiting ^-^
  13. Haha lucky
  14. HAHAHA lol how did u figure it out all by yourself
  15. xD rope or relog?
  16. Hi, Well its kinda funny, this growlithe trap us ( growlithe is too smart ) But i have escape rope anyway, i just want to stay a little long xD And there's a 3rd victim :V That growlithe really knows how to :dab: :Angel: ( if u have no Escape rope like my unlucky friend xD, just relog then walk away ) :Angel: Lesson : bring ropes :v
  17. this is personal shop :)
  18. Re: Price Check Shiny H.A Torchic <t>100-150m :V</t>
  19. So you buy it? :kappa luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
  20. Hi, Welcome to PRO this chat is for buying purposes not for.......... Its hard to say things if u have no proof, also theres a lot of player here its not just only you or few so if u leave then nothing happens, do as you please. Its just 1 leftover so how and why would they steal it anyway, but like i said welcome to PRO :) And GL nextime whatever happened, how did they took it :V
  21. did you try to relog?
  22. yup sorry forgot to close it :V i cleared my images in imgur
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