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Everything posted by Serena

  1. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  2. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  3. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  4. Tl;dr lol (joking, read every part of it) Anyway Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  5. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  7. First of all, this is not the place to ask questions. You can ask questions in general support section. And, all pokemons need different ivs depending on if its a atk stat user or spatk stat user and if need spd, def and spdef if its a tank pokemon like snorlax. For example : Machamp need Atk stat coz its a good physical attack user but Hunter is a spatk user also spd stat.
  8. Well, it only takes around 150 mb of space on my phone, so think 1.2 gb is more than enough. Did you check your Android version? Android version 4.4 is minimum requirement for it.
  9. I don't think this thread will be of much use. Players can directly tell the scam to GM for further help and assistance.
  10. https://s5.postimg.org/e6s52rzdz/Screenshot_2015_09_06_12_13_56.jpg The location is on the channel.
  11. You can use move fly in battles, but it'll not work outside of battle like in handheld for transportation. Instead of this, a subway system will be implemented.
  12. I don't think it'll have a much of a use in PRO. Ot plz explain your idea in detail.
  13. First thing, this is not the right place to post this topic, pl from the next time post it in suggestion section. And now your suggestion, well its already planned, so you.don't need to worry about it.
  14. Headbutt on tree is discussed on past and that requires to remap the trees for in-game. So, i don't think it'll be implemented, but i may be wrong. Dig and Teleport - if this two get implemented, then what will be the use of Escape rope, making it absolutely useless. Don't know about other moves.
  15. I just noticed this topic is in announcement section, how the hell anyone can make topic in announcement section except staffs?
  16. I don't think it'll ever happen. Its an fan made game, its already planned for Linux, Windows, Macintosh and Android. What you expect more? Plus, only play station games works on it and PRO is not a part of Play Station.
  17. Lol most of the players don't play to find glitches and bugs. The game already excited many players and they started donating. Well, there already an unofficial pokemon location guide on forum, if you want to find bugs so eagerly you can use that.
  18. OMG!!! Thailand. Plz FedEx some delicious food to me. Anyway, welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  19. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  20. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  21. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay. Lol, that was really a funny introduction.
  22. Double battle is already planned, but staff first want to implement all the moves and remove all the bugs from PvP.
  23. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  24. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  25. Re: Addind TM/HM waterfall <r><QUOTE author="Revi"><s> </e></QUOTE> Lol actually that can't happen coz OHKO moves didn't work on Pokemons higher then their own lvl.<br/> <br/> Well, i think all moves are planned, we just need to wait and have patience, that's all.</r>
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