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Everything posted by Serena

  1. Hi Zupercooer, welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay. Ugh.......I never saw you before anywhere, lol.
  2. Re: Comic: Pokemon Revolution Online: TUC 1 <r>Lol, it's superb and awesome, I really like it.<br/> <br/> Eagerly waiting for the next part.<br/> <br/> Keep up the good work <E>:y:</E></r>
  3. Lol okay, so good Luck on your Pokemon Journey :y: Hope you'll enjoy the game.
  4. You tried turning off your Antivirus and Firewall first?
  5. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <r>Will someone plz make an Android version of PRO, so that i can start playing >.< I'm dying to play this game <E>:Frown:</E> or can anyone lend me their lappy or PC.</r>
  6. Serena

    Shadow Hattrick

    Good Luck with your guild and best wishes from me, :y: ^_^
  7. I really don't know what this is all about, but anyway welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  8. Hi Killian, Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay and good luck on your Pokemon Journey :y: Hope you'll enjoy the game. ^_^
  9. You could have said before (-_-") And PRO want to keep the no. Of devs minimum, as greater no. Of devs in the project can lead to security issues.
  10. Already planned. Shane said that the auto-updater will be in-game when the game releases officially, but if its not there then i think its because they still didn't shifted to new server or maybe some other reason (I didn't started playing yet, so i don't know about if its in the client or not)
  11. Serena

    Membership Coin

    If I correctly understood what you wrote then I think its already planned.
  12. First of all, plz only use PG language. And welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay ^_^ An even I'm a big fan of double battle, but it's not implemented currently, so we have to wait lol. I'm looking forward to play with you in game. And don't think 400k poke$ is a big amount, i heard some players saying they get like 100k poke$ till they reach 4th gym with membership, so 400k is very small amount imo. Anyway, welcome and i hope to become friend with you.
  13. Thank you very much for the compliment sweetheart :Heart:
  14. Serena

    Team Wailord

    Good Luck with the guild, best wishes from me. :y: ^_^
  15. Its not that rare to see to see girls on Online games. :Bored: And FirelordSin, you really looks hot and s**y. :Heart-eyes: :kiss: lol (don't take it the wrong way)
  16. Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay, Mipha <3 ^_^
  17. +1 to this idea and again sDarkoix, PRO can't HIRE anybody >.< Nintendo can simply stop PRO if they hire any staff.
  18. Well, I agree with special EV training area. Everything is already very hard, so i request staff to at least make this easy and implement it.
  19. I didn't actually get it properly, can you explain it? What I'm thinking is, instead of 7min, it should be 30 minutes.
  20. WHAT!!! 30 minutes, are you serious? Then the players who can't play due to server full will most probably get mad and flood the irc and forum. I don't think, this will ever happen.
  21. First of all, PRO can't HIRE anyone and i don't think there are even enough moderator for normal players.
  22. Well, a change log was here, but due to other games coping from the PRO, our main dev Shane removed it.
  23. Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay.
  24. Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay.
  25. Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay.
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