Congratulations, you have won the auction, feel free to messege me on discord - chikato#chikato or come vermilion as im gonna be there for a bit right now
Starting Price: 100k
Minimum bid change: 50k
c.o 450k by Musuashi
No insta
Auction will end 24hours after first offer
Feel free to DM in game or on discord if im there
Auction will end 09/14/2023 at 19:35 UTC+2
Won by Musuashi for 450k
Im asked about the abra in route 25, im supposed to teach it how to teleport whatever it means
edit: Need a max (I guess) happiness pokemon with teleport
The kadabra in lilycove wants to meet a Kirilia, guessing it can be any
Server: silver
ign: chikato
Sorry, but I didn't really specify to which level I wanted her to be deleveled. I've wanted her to be lvl 98 so It can evolve into gardevoir. Sorry for the trouble and hope you can help me again.
I kept changing the current offer, I just posted the proof after the auction in the form of a screenshot. Sorry but it's hard to upload screens of offers if its the last minutes of the auction.
s.o = 800k
insta = 2.5m
min bid raise = 100k
accept rr ticket = 700k
bid in either forums or in-game if im there
Auction ends 48 hours after s.o
sold for 1.2m to Gurrly
Auction ends 14 June 2020 8:15 pm forum time.