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Everything posted by Xavier

  1. No deal sorry 4m is minimum. 24 hours till thread is closed.
  2. bump. Last before closed
  3. 4m minimum sorry bro. will wait 2 more days then just cancel this if i don't get the start bid I want. Thanks for the offer
  4. Bump
  5. Bump
  6. I will insta 1st rotom
  7. @Dam201 thanks for your offer. If i dont get 4m start then I will just hold onto it thanks
  8. Bump
  9. Bump
  10. Bump
  11. Hi All I have decided to sell my Godly Scizor one of the best on server. This will be an auction with 72 hour time limit from the moment of the first accepted bid. Once the auction has started it can only be stopped after a successful sale. ( I will not stop it for any other reason) I accept CC's = 280k, IV reroll = 500k, nature reroll = 250k. The starting price for this Pokemon will be: 4 million The instant price for this Pokemon will be: 6 million Screenshot: Please make all bids in forums or Pm's in game. Happy Bidding and Thanks for your time.
  12. Smartest: Cames Friendliest: Imhanjoo Funniest: Zinsmitter Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: BuyshinyNair Most Talkative: GoldMariechen Most Trustworthy: Cyber54 Most Helpful: Namelesshero27 Most Missed: Stratergist Most Influential: Stratergist Most Intriguing: Walrosskastanie Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: Walrosskastanine Most Professional Guide Maker: SyaoranLi Most Professional Discord Moderator: Giorgio25 Armin STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Dusky Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Q8 Best Trade Moderator: Logan Best Game Master: Letix Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Fluffles Most Professional Staff: Nikola Most Dedicated Staff: Q8 Funniest Staff: Nikola Friendliest Staff: Eaty Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza Most Missed Former Staff: Chappy
  13. Ill start
  14. Akali. that gible would look very nice in my collection
  15. bump 5 hours left on volc
  16. Hey Altruis how long left on 1st ferrothorn? ill bid 800k
  17. bump 12 hours left on volc
  18. you have best offer 20 hours left insta price added
  19. you won the chansey message me here or in game to come and collect
  20. @Mikami waiting for him to pick it up auction has ended. if he does not pick it up it's all yours
  21. Bump 2.5 hours left on chansey
  22. @Hyakuren start volc 72 hours left
  23. Bump instant added for chansey 2mil
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