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About Twidenbar

  • Birthday 11/28/1989

Personal Information

  • Career
    Owner and operator of Risk Managment Assesment Australia
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  • Occupation
    Owner and operator of Risk Managment Assesment Aus

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  1. this thread can now be closed
  2. It has been frustrating and im glad that it was looked into and fixed, and yes i can confirm there are now in fact 3
  3. So apparently the issue has been fixed but its still a bit buggy? Will anything be done about the lost RR tickets?
  4. 2 days and not even a response from the team in regards to this? Do the staff just view the posts and then do nothing about the issue? A simple message or reply would go a LONG way rather then just being blatantly ignored when there is clearly a very messed up issue happening to multiple players regarding this problem. Or at the very least acknowledge that you have messed up and are trying to rectify the issue. Remove the npc so you dont continue to have more and more reports before it starts becoming out of hand. Simple steps that staff could do to mitigate this and yet nothing is being done
  5. Bump hoping that this gets fixed or rectified ASAP
  6. I do have preview pokemone option ticked ( always have as i like to know what pokes im getting when hunting ) and when i ask her about previous re rolls it says that there are none to choose from
  7. So as the tittle says my Reroll tickets have just been scammed by the dam Psychic marina. I just made my tornadus into a therian version and also purchased a RR ticket from a player ( i already had 1 in my inv ) I then went to said NPC and used the option to re roll my iv ( not the double just the single ) after doing so i did not get any preview nor were the IV's changed, i then tried a 2nd time ( since the preview didnt come up ) and just thinking the option had bugged but then the same goddam thing happen again, so now im 2 tickets down and no changes have been made
  8. Is there a discord or something i could message someone on? @GoldenP1kachu
  9. Servers are still down, wait for announcement on discord or check there for a more up to date response
  10. Servers are still down, wait for announcement on discord or check there for a more up to date response
  11. Servers are still down, wait for announcement on discord or check there for a more up to date response
  12. As the tittle says, im after a few quests to get done, starting with volcorana. the 3 dogs / Phione / Heatran / 3 regi / kyurem / kami trio ( but i need to get the ot caught pokes with the abilities ) / keldeo Either DM me here ingame or discord IGN : Twidenbar Discord: Prodam#3715
  13. I put through to request a name change a couple days ago, just wondering how much longer i might have to wait for it to get approved
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