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Everything posted by Popinsmoke

  1. Make an offer dude Alright noted
  2. alright noted and updated the post
  3. current offer is 500k. minimum increase is 50k, its in the auction section, the info is above the picture
  4. sassy ferrothorn started, end time 2 days starting now
  5. ferro sold and removed from ongoing auctions
  6. You are the winner of the Ferrothorn, when can you be in vermilion for the trade?
  7. Alright noted, end time is 2 days from the moment u offered, post will be moved to ongoing auction session when im home.
  8. aalright noted, ends 6h from now
  9. new b.o on the ferrothorn.
  10. new b.o onthe impish Ferrothorn, ends in about 19h
  11. medicham reserved, will be removed after the trade
  12. alright noted, end time is 2 days after your post
  13. im actually thinking about putting that one on auction since im a bit busy atm, what would your offer for it be tho?
  14. sorry for the late response, was at work, sure let me know when u wanna trade
  15. How is putting a Wobbuffet down for 50m helping to improve the game and not a troll?
  16. o sorry dude must have missed your comment, 450k
  17. You online in about 20 mins?
  18. Alomo, xatu sold will be removed tonight
  19. Alo, xatu sold will be removed tonight (wrong shop edit rip)
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