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Everything posted by Popinsmoke

  1. Ill accept that, i will tag you when i am home, or contact me on discordto talk easier, should be home in about 5/6 hours
  2. You won the bisharp, i will be out of the country the whole day so i will contact u for the trade when im home
  3. You won the cofa, when will you be able to make the trade. Contact me on discord or pm to arramge a time
  4. sorry the ada one is sold i forgot to remove it, for the toxi make an offer dude im not home atm
  5. easter toge set, xmas sceptile, snorlax, chandelure, s sawsbuck, s jellicent sold.
  6. noted, 13 hours and 28 minutes left for the bisharp.
  7. ferrothorn traded. updated the c.o on bisharp
  8. since im unable to teleport straight from work into the shower and behind my laptop it took some time to do that. im logging in right now and will be in vermilion.
  9. Ill be free from work in 1.5hours will contact u then
  10. Noted Noted, end timeis 48h after your bidwill move the poke to ongoin auction after/during work Trade will happen afterwork
  11. Alright noted, 2h 13 mins left for the ferrothorn, heading to bed now since i have a morning shift so will contact the winner when i wake up.
  12. noted, are you whitetoss ingame?
  13. everyone can see your auction when the server is down because its posted here. how is he the scammer in this story?
  14. noted, ty for your offer
  15. new b.o on cofagrigus
  16. since i havent seen you online for a while and fail to respond to any pm i try to send ingame when u are the yanmega will be back up for sale.
  17. noted, auction ends 2 days after the moment u offered, pm me i thats the start price of the auction, not the instant price to buy.
  18. sold and removed from ongoing auctions, ferrothorn ends tonight
  19. alright noted, 16 minutes left on the clock
  20. Noted, 4 hours left for gastrodon
  21. Thats not how it works dude, once started u gotta sell it to yhe highest offer at the end. Cant cancel the whole thing.
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