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Everything posted by Popinsmoke

  1. It happened to everyone because the server crashed and they shut it down. As always no eta on any information meaning we probably wasted out time once again.
  2. [uSER=2235982]@dark224[/uSER] you have won the scizor, contact me when you are able to make the trade
  3. snorlax traded
  4. Contact me ingame or on discord for the trade, you have won the snorlax auction
  5. Noted, 1h 44 left from this post for the Snorlax Adamant.
  6. noted, ends in a few hours
  7. Alright noted ends today
  8. alright noted
  9. Alright noted, ends 48h aftet u posted ur bid, will put the end time above it in a bit
  10. alright, auction starts now for the snorlax, ends 48h from this post.
  11. i can accept that as a start price for an auction since im looking for a bit more for it thant 500k.
  12. specify which one when u make an offer please, there are more than 1 snorlaxes posted
  13. Shop is now up to date and open
  14. Looking for offers on the following pokes.
  15. First one is very nice, 2nd one is trash cuz of the 05 spdef, id train the firstone only of i where you
  16. under construction, will re-open when the screenshots are up to date.
  17. shop will be on hold for now untill its up to date. some pokes posted may or may not been sold already if i forgot to remove the picture. pokes will be up to date this weekend
  18. nice guide but since 6x31 will never be 200 or 300 i doubt we will have to find a 300 iv poke.
  19. Wasnt home all day yesterday, will be home in about 6 hours fron now
  20. bisharp traded, removed pokes that are sold, update will happen in a bit to make the shop up to date
  21. @yaz96 @PokeMind im online now if you are available for the trade
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