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  1. IGN: Rajdo How old are you? -- I'm 16 yo How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? -- 110 hours and all Kanto/Johto badges Do you use discord? -- I do, Rajdo#9449 What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? -- I'm mainly farming and grinding, I will eventually progress with the story Why would you like to be in team magma? -- Well, it would be nice to be in a community where I can ask for help or just be a part of it. Also I want to just play the game casually and do not "tryhard" too much and I feel like many other guilds are mainly focused on PVP.
  2. IGN: Rajdo Server: Gold I can't use the computer in pokecenter, all the pokemons that were blocked because of the region are now "normal" Lanturn and Mantine are stuck in my party.
  3. Rajdo


    There will be a big update so servers are down for now.
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