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Everything posted by Ninjasquirtles

  1. this happens a lot, get used to it. thats the best advice i can give. lol
  2. Re: Guard npc typo <r><QUOTE author="Kibitz" post_id="447881" time="1506482814" user_id="744656"><s> </e></QUOTE> That's the whole point of this thread though. Maybe you should just move on :v</r>
  3. Super waste of time since you're not allowed to evolve the pokemon, when's the map coming out? I hate to admit it, but I agree with most people in this thread, this event is very meh.
  4. Uh, so we can't evolve the pokemon or? It has to be a lvl 100 gastly and not gengar?
  5. Does this work with PC Boss? His team is OP lol
  6. Evos not working currently: 1.Swirlix 2.Sprtizee 3.Burmy -> Wormadam 4.Burmy -> Mothim 5.Mantyke
  7. I'm not sure the exact number, but I know it's slightly more common than a shiny. Still very rare.
  8. Name of NPC: NinjaSquirtles Before battle dialogue: Since I missed Halloween last year, I've been training all of my Squirtles martial arts and they are all black belts now! Have you ever seen a Squirtle use high jump kick or karate chop? Prepare to lose! Team: 5 Squirtles, 1 Blastoise (would be awesome if they could be custom Squirtle sprites with black belts around their waist or a headband on) (maybe give the squirtles a bunch of fighting/karate moves for the heck of it) After battle dialogue: Maybe Charmanders would be better ninjas... either way, Happy Halloween! Take this! Reward: 1 rare candy
  9. I was not able to catch Jirachi until I had caught Mew. I still haven't caught Celebi though.
  10. Hi there, This is already planned. Just wait for future updates :) WOOT love u
  11. I would like to see another method to re-roll legendary IVs instead of only PVPing, or at least a method that doesn't require you to WIN your pvp battles. I spent ~350 hours playing the game and filling out the dex just to receive a Latias with a total of ~20 IVs. And since I'm REALLY bad at battling, I don't really see myself ever being able to change the IVs. Believe it or not, there are lots of people like me who play PRO for the MMO aspect and are not interesting in battling even a little bit. I'm not sure what a fair method should be as I'm not sure how hard it is or how long it takes to get 150 pvp coins, maybe everyone could pitch in an idea in this thread! Thanks for reading, let me know what you think about this suggestion!
  12. IGN : NinjaSquirtles Answer 1 :Azelf Answer 2 :Lolian Triforce pieces/Lolian Triforce = Zelda
  13. What happened to the Sgath and Keres 1vs6? It was Bold Carbink wasn't it? Wouldn't that still work?
  14. #giveusfly2017
  15. Been trying to, we're never online at the same time :P
  16. Just found ferroseed from nonshiny rock @ 3211 discoveries Edit: Found Timburr in the same trip, 3260 discoveries
  17. I'm buying most trash 10-25k, and I'm paying more for the rarer ones. Post what you have followed by a fair price and I'll contact you! Thanks! NEED: Zorua Croagunk Binacle Minccino Dwebble Scraggy Klink BOUGHT: Bonsly - 50k Goomy -15k Larvesta -20k Spoink - free Roggenrola - free Vullaby - 10k Rufflet - 10k Amaura - 10k Gothita - 10k Frillish - 20k Alomomola - 20k Munna - 20k Elgyem - 20k Pumpkaboo - 20k Lilipup - 25k Buneary - 10k Skiddo - 5k Buizel - 25k
  18. Found Vanillite in Glacial Site after smashing the shiny rock with only about ~2.8k discoveries, if that.
  19. It's hour related. The reason why there's a time requirement is to filter out as many bots as possible. While there are lots of safeguards in place, they always somehow find they way around. The time requirement is there to bring that number of bots passing through there to a minimum. Ok, so it's confirmed. That's a bit strange considering that bots spend an inordinate amount of time gaining hours. For example, during xmas, some accounts had 1000 hours in a week. I just hope there was some other sort of bot detectors, like captcha. EDIT: I would just like to thank you for helping keep this game awesome. I realize the above comment might sound like I'm angry but I'm just baffled by the playtime requirement. Agreed lol, hours played and botting go hand-in-hand. I was thinking more along the lines of OT lvl 100s. It would get rid of some of the "alt accounts" that just trade their botted pokemon to their mains, which happens a lot btw. Or even a simple MS requirement, lots of mains don't give their alt account(s) ms. Just some ideas.
  20. It's an extra feature, so I think that finding out yourself is better than having someone from the team confirm. It's different to something that you have to do to move on with the game. The problem with this is that it's causing misinformation. Most people on blue are saying that you need 300 hours in the game to get to Pinkan, which would be a bit sad for new players (and alts). I have done almost everything there is to do on this game on two accounts. Hoenn, bosses, PvP, you name it. Yet, on the account that has ~237 hours, I can't get Officer Jenny to talk. So, please, at least drop us a hint. Do you have to beat a boss? Is it truly hour-related? Or maybe dex or evos? Hmmmmm. 99% not dex related. unless it's an insane requirement. I only have 120 hours with tons of dex info, that's all i do on my alt.
  21. need 300+ hours
  22. They look great man! Do you take requests for new signatures?
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