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  1. Ggooe

    BAN all pokemon!

    nice idea! ban those annoying pokes :D
  2. ok... i have a question about Critcal hit I want to know what happened in this case. I killed opponent Ferrothron (vs my Ferrothorn) We stacked 6 curse both. and Mine was paralyzed. I used power whip, when it is not Crit, it did less damage. maybe 1/20 hp? lol.. His leftover can cover it's damage. You know. But when it is crit, it did huuuuuuge damage. (almost 1/3 hp) I killed opponent Feroothorn by it. what happened? oh and... does Gyro ball same damage to Paralyzed poke and non-Paralyzed poke? i thought it does less damage to paralyzed poke bc of speed down.
  3. I played pvp many times. It shouldn't say it's super effective. you test it if you couldn't believe my story. Regardless of whether or not a pokemon has the ability, Thick Fat, when they are attacked with a super effective move, it will always say the move is super effective. The damage reduction still applies so there is nothing wrong with this ability. oh... then maybe... my bad. ok. thx :)
  4. :( my bad
  5. I played pvp many times. It shouldn't say it's super effective. you test it if you couldn't believe my story.
  6. thick fat doesn't mean that you take no damage but just the it will be reduced and it actually works as intented. i don't mean that thick fat should take no damage but just the it will be reduced and it actually works as intented except which i wrote. i'm not idiot. are you?
  7. Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Thickfat Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): I have Thickfat Mamoswine. And i used it for pvp. Thickfat, It doesn't work against Dragon dance Dragonite(Fire punch).. Not only Dragonite. I experienced 2 times! against diffrenct pvp opponent! Not just a once. Please fix it . I saw "super effective" and damage. 2 times. not just a once. Description of Bug/ Not Code: It doesn't work against Dragon dance Dragonite(Fire punch). I experienced 2 times! against diffrenct pvp opponent! Not just a once. Please fix it . I saw "super effective" and damage. How it should be: It should work.
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