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About Irbas

Irbas's Achievements



  1. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>showdown name : irbas999<br/> Server : Red :)</t>
  2. Ign : Irbas Answer 1: 3 Answer 2: White Answer 3: Blue
  3. ign : irbas Answer 1 : UXIE Answer 2 : They come from the same egg created by Arceus
  4. Noooooo :Frown:
  5. Sold insta in game to perros
  6. Re: Impish bulk up h.a gales wings Fletchinder <t>insta added 4h left :)</t>
  7. Re: Impish bulk up h.a gales wings Fletchinder <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="421023" time="1501760682" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> i posted it then notice the problem in the first secondes and went to edit to correct .. your very quick . but thank you for offering help <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  8. im selling : b.o : 1m1 insta price : 1m6 :Shy:
  9. IGN: Irbas country = morocco
  10. for the reward i think the guy who finish first in ladder should get something .. giving 25 players the same reward is not really that intresting hope you guys can discuss that :Grin:
  11. Hello .i accidentally deleted my epic pvp natu magic bounce , i didn't ment to do it :D: if you guys can help me that would be much appreciate it i spent days hunting for that one . here is the Screenshot
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