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Posts posted by Dohko

  1. 232205 Hi, now I can talk from experience and can confirm Stall is not at all a problem. Things like Azumarill, Celebi, swords dance scizor, taunt gengar, easily destroy stall teams. Your problem is teambuilding not the meta. When I see slowbro/skarmory/blissey I scream free win. All players from 400+ rating I've battled also were using offensive teams like sand so I don't know why you all thinking stall is so strong.


    It is all about team building and how it is stall/wall users have the edge at the end of the day. Just look at red server's top 2 battlers in our pvp rank, They use stall/wall teams which btw are well built. My only problem is that those that battle differently don't have as much an advantage considering the items and abilities which we dont have or don't work atm.

  2. Re: Dohko's Shack [Feat. Shiny Kingdra] add-epic ferroseed


    <r><QUOTE author="Rajos"><s>

    </s><POST content="235973"><s></s>235973<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Dohko"><s>
    </s><POST content="235600"><s></s>235600<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Rajos"><s>
    </s><POST content="233867"><s></s>233867<e></e></POST> Insta Sandile and Shroomish. 105k<e>



    im online now for a few minutes now<e>




    You are all time offline..<e>



    Looks like we are different time zones. Pm me when you will be online and for how many hours or minutes. My time is utc-8</r>

  3. Re: Dohko's Shack [Feat. Shiny Kingdra]


    <r><QUOTE author="Xeolith"><s>

    </s><POST content="233591"><s></s>233591<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Dohko"><s>
    </s><POST content="233477"><s></s>233477<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Xeolith"><s>
    </s><POST content="233074"><s></s>233074<e></e></POST> i'll buy that charmander for 60k<e>


    ill be online soon<e>



    sure. Pm me<br/>

    IGN: Xeolith<e>



    didn't see you, ill be on this monday</r>

  4. 228937
    222375 You don't need focus sash to make it to the pvp ranked ladder. If anything they can come in handy in important tournaments.

    You don't need any special item to make it to the pvp ranked ladder, so let's make all the items consumed. If anything they can come in handy in important tournaments.


    And I would not mind. If everyone plays by the same rules then I simply adjust. I can assure you those that have an excess of focus sash that they are not wasting them on pvp. I personally have acquired a good number of them but I don't use them. Those who complain used up all of theirs when the smart thing to do was to not use them in pvp in the first place and just suggest making them permanent in such game mode.

  5. I mean it has been way too long already and with the introduction of the yellow server it wouldn't make sense to end it now but rather to extend it to allow yellow server players to get in with their pvp season. If this is the case then I'm guessing it will end in 2-3 weeks? My guess anyways since it really is up to someone to end it.

  6. 228498
    228441 Duh.. imo it should be given to the top 25 only meh they are players too they battle and get in that top 25 then why cant you try? Have you ever seen all players gettin awarded in any Olympics? :P (example)


    You can be sure that I am trying in fact my score speaks for itself xD (453 wins 274 Loses) plus many lost hours playing pvp... so all that effort means nothing?


    quality not quantity. Based on your win/loss ratio of 1.65 I can say that it is good but not great and with that ratio you can or cannot make it to the top 25 since many of those in the top 25 have a win/loss ratio of over 2.

  7. I know we a have pvp ranked system but there is a lot of people that would love to just battle for fun or to test teams without the fear of dropping points in ranked. I know there is a battle channel but hardly anyone wants a battle there and it's not easy finding someone to battle with.


    Yes there are some of us who would rather battle than hunt for Pokemon. Adding an option for us to randomly search for a friendly battle would make the game that much more fun for us battle enthusiasts.


    That's it for me and appreciate the support from anyone that feels the same way. Cheers

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