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Posts posted by Algerie31

  1. hi; i have traded my shiny metagross mount to someone and after that i get information that it was impossible and it was a bug

    i didn't intentionally abuse because i didn't know only after i asked in support discord and i thought the best way is to report it to you to fix it

    have a nice day





  2. we get borred to see the same pokemon in bug catching area, it's time to change the area spawn and why not changing the map and rewards too

    so pokemon to add in bug catching area will be :

    Nincada; ninjask; shedinja /combee; vespiquen /venipede; whirlipede; scolipede /durant /scatterburg; spewpa; vivillion /skorupi; drapion /sewaddle; swadloon; leavanny / ...

  3. hi; i want to delevel it for eastern event quest

    In-game name: algerie31

    Server: gold

    Pokemon ID and/or screenshot:



    ps: pm me or tag me in discord if i was online to be offline ingame


    Hi. Sorry, but we only delevel Pokes that are at Level 100 and failed to Evo. Greetings, M3ru3m
  4. Not all users are able to use staffview. Smartphone users f.e. are not able to play with higher zoom anymore.

    It also caused many client problems and was never meant to be public. It was found and made public by users that reverse engineered the client. I also changed a lot, solved a few problems with it and many users with lower resolution will see more by default than they did before without staffview.

    zoom make us furious and noone accept it

  5. Hey, staff view will be entirely removed with the next client update.

    I reworked most of the camera code. Every user will have the same max view next client update, so there won't be any unfair advantages.

    Before judging please try it first. :)

    iam sure that this decision will be a wrong decision and make the whole pro community disagree especialy we all use zoom out to see all the map

    • Like 3
  6. please; add an option in menu game to hide all player instead of writing the command "/foreveralone" in chat each time we loggin all this to not repeat write it.


    and i want you to know that hidding all player were my idea in last november and my suggestion is still opened ==>https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/140387-url


    Best Wishes Algerie31 :)

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