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  1. May I know the CD of the dragonite at the dragon den B1F entrance?Thanks
  2. Name Npc: Fullheart Dialogue: "Can you help me to get out this horrible place? PLEASE !"
  3. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>thanks for the giving out.<br/> user id: fullheart <br/> blue server</t>
  4. Name: fullheart From: Hong Kong
  5. I really want to have switch to play Zelda, Mario and party games with my husband and two sons.
  6. Name:Fullheart Dialogue before battle :Do you want to have a walk with me ?No?LET'S battle. Dialogue after battle:Ok, I walk alone.
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